obscure japanese boy band

theres this obscure boy band from the chiba area in japan i think everyone here should know about.
the boy band is called tokusatsu boyz, they are obsessed with tokusatsu heroes.
I will shove a power rangers figurine up your shit-crusted asshole and wipe your ass with your limited edition K-Pop photocards from all the albums you bought while you scream at me to stop ruining your favorite members if you ping me in another thread like this
theres this obscure boy band from the chiba area in japan i think everyone here should know about.
the boy band is called tokusatsu boyz, they are obsessed with tokusatsu heroes.
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If America was so easy for the kikes to infiltrate and subvert, we imagine Mexico quickly rolled over like a 5 dollar whore and spread it's asscheeks for a real good jew fucking.
We thought there was supposed to be something macho about the Mexican men?
Guess they're nothing but a bunch of nutless sissy beaners, no different than the soyish lemming men of all the other Western nations?

When are the jews going to die?
theres this obscure boy band from the chiba area in japan i think everyone here should know about.
the boy band is called tokusatsu boyz, they are obsessed with tokusatsu heroes.
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This isn't over yet...not by a long shot. Now the media is attempting to reconfigure the nigger killer's reputation by making him out to be suicidal, which will make him seem more sympathetic. And, if it was not actually the reason he did it...well, they have just given him a plausible reason he can use.

According to the motherfuckings of the dead children, the killer nigger drank alcohol on the bus as well. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. It may be a simple case of niggers being in charge of the school system. You know: incompetence all the way around.

Never doubt it though: the jewmedia is always there to blame Whitey and exonerate the nigger...regardless of what the facts are.
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