Call Me Tim
EDF Hero
Pedro this is your fate. It's not too late, you can change. You don't have to be this way.
Not that any halfway normal person would ever make such a joke, but…
My favorite members are jake and ni-ki.
Some have argued the Supreme Court was just interpreting the law, but regardless, the end result is the same.In a quixotic ruling, the country’s high court ruled that a man who was on trial for raping and sexually exploiting his own daughters wasn’t guilty of “bestiality.” The man reportedly, “smeared peanut butter on the genitals of his victims and had the family dog lick it off while he videotaped the act.”
The convicted man took his case to the Canadian Supreme Court, demanding that the bestiality charge be nullified. In the end, the court agreed.
As a result of the rape case, the court ruled 7 to 1 that humans having sexual contact with animals is OK if there is no “penetration” involved in the act.
“Although bestiality was often subsumed in terms such as sodomy or buggery, penetration was the essence — ‘the defining act’ — of the offense,” the court’s ruling states as reported by The Independent.
A “lifestyle choice”? Gee. Sounds so politically correct… and absolutely horrifying.A recent article from the Daily Mail lamented the troubling new trend of “animal brothels” rising in Germany as many humans are claiming sex with animals is just another “lifestyle choice.”
IMO all elections have been rigged for many decades. Has a lot to do with the definition of rigged. We know the media forms public opinion, and that public opinion determines the way people vote.
My favorite members are jake and ni-ki.
From George McGovern's acceptance speech for Democratic candidate for kwa presidunce, Miami Beach, Fl, 1972.
My favorite members are jake and ni-ki.
Typical race hustling hypocrite getting a voice at the jew owned soap box.
My favorite members are jake and ni-ki.
I was standing in line at the post office today and I overheard these two old Vietnam War Ball Caps behind me blabbering back and forth, trading war stories and thanking each other for their "service." You simply cannot get away from this bullshit. I was almost grateful for the two mamacitas ahead of me jabbering in mexi-speak to drown out some of what the Ball Caps were saying. Ain't this a great country and time to be alive?
My favorite members are jake and ni-ki.
The NEW ORDER is on Gab at
My favorite members are jake and ni-ki.
Go to hell, @Call Me Tim you degenerate piece of dogshit, you condemn me for THREE YEARS!Pedro this is your fate. It's not too late, you can change. You don't have to be this way.
Do what you must.
Based post, bro@Maysam
It never ceases to amaze just how much shit the jew can shove down the lemming's throats. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, like masochists on steroids begging to be abused, robbed and spit on. Their children murdered by niggers and their women turned into nasty whores. No insult is too big. No pain is so hurtful as to make them rethink their position.
Makes one wonder what this weakness is? Seems to run contrary on every level to the primary directive of life, that demands survival of the species.
The metaphor of the suicidal lemming creature is wholly appropriate, thank you Dr. Pierce.
It's evident, the jew's brainwashing is profoundly deep and irreversible in many cases.
Franco, the dictator of Spain, once said, "I would kill half of Spain's population to keep the jewish communists from taking over."
IMO Franco was a realist.