This sadsack was turned into a faggot by the degenerate culture foisted upon him by the jew. Thus, we have a mentally destroyed young man presenting himself to trigger happy cops desperately looking for an escape out of jewville. This is the land of the jew. A wretched place where our children are turned into sexually twisted freaks and the police are essentially shell shocked lobotomized zombies with itchy trigger fingers. And when these two perversions clash in a hail of blazing bullets and transgendered shrieks, we can almost hear the jew snickering from it's hidden crevice.
Not sure if this is real or not, but the chinks are apparently also into eating aborted human fetuses because they believe it will give them some mystical sexual enhancement. Having had the blood-boiling, stomach-turning experience of watching videos of these chink bastards severely torturing dogs in the most painful ways imaginable before eating them I would bet on this baby-soup eating stuff being real.
the right wing nazi-jews admit in books they brainwash and lie to their own people. da jews go to brainwashing camps as children where they are terrorized by other jews dressed up as nazis, really bizarre stuff. even more intense than what they do to all the US politicians who visit there every couple months for brainwashing tours/bribery tours, sexual slave tours.
If you really read the old testament, that's actually how it's ALWAYS been. the whole religion was set up to benefit the jewish priest class. there are two priest classes, the levites and the Cohens. the other 10 jew tribes are basically the cult members who are supposed to give their best livestock and grains to the priests in exchange for black magic blessings, the divine power. which is probably true, they probably are some sort of witches, that's what freemason apparently is. Kabbalistic witchcraft so you can't say it's just superstition. It's real, they are actually experts at getting possessed by supernatural entities.
I offer these jokes to the jew stand-up comedians at no charge.
They got plugged right in the butt plug.
Now they got extra holes for more fun.
He peeked through the glory hole and got a bullet hole in the head.
There's definitely a joke here about more holes than a loaf of Swiss head-cheese.
50 men all named Bruce were shot in Orlando.
Successful AIDS treatment discovered in Florida
Gunman had an easy time killing as the 'pivotman' in the middle of a 50 dude circle jerk.
Muslim shoots a load in a gaybar.
Man saved by cockring that deflected bullet.
A dozen men suffered fatal wounds to their erections.
Cry me a river, Leonard Pitts.