Holy shit that's fake and gay.
More and more black people are realizing that voting Democrat are against their best interests.

It's about principal and sanctity of all life. A baby is innocent. A black man, high on fentyl, with a history of violent crime and drug dealing is not.

A black baby doesn't naturally equate to black murder and rapist. Though I will agree that black culture encourages Merican blacks to be barbarians. Much like the rest of the "special" identity groups. This one bad thing happened to someone that is of your identity group a long time ago, so therefore you are exempt from any repercussions now.

You are literally retarded. It's the only explanation of how and why you came to this conclusion.

The left has been in control of the entertainment industry since the sixties. How do you not know that?
you're retarded. theyere always going to vote democrat because thats what benefits them

also youve defended the US govt killing live iraqi childre than can actually think and feel stuff, so its clear you dont give two shits about the "sanctity of life"
you're retarded. theyere always going to vote democrat because thats what benefits them

also youve defended the US govt killing live iraqi childre than can actually think and feel stuff, so its clear you dont give two shits about the "sanctity of life"
1. You're an idiot. More and more blacks are running from the democrat plantation each election. Polls confirm this. This is why the progressives are supporting the illegal immigration stance. They are starting to lose voters in their core and doing so quite rapidly.

2. You don't know what you're talking about. This is nothing new.

3. You're just parroting bullshit. This is nothing new. Whether or not children were killed in a war zone doesn't negate an opposition to abortion. That's like saying because a cyclists was killed by a car, we shouldn't outlaw drunk driving. But, I don't see why you are so for abortion, you're never going to need one.
Do you realize that I don't care? You can get the same procedure done at a doctor's office. PP is an abortion factory everything else is just to distract the simple minded from that fact.
Preventative healthcare in the case of not having unwanted children is a huge demand and you would have to be retarded to think the regular doctors office would fairly handle the influx of cases after "shutting down planned parenthood".
Nope and for girls who get raped and didn't know what to do & might not survive childbirth & other situations as well as plan B on top of the anti pregnancy devices I mentioned are all things that happen quite frequently.
You may have a lazy I dont give a shit about other peoples problems attitude but don't come crying to your party when the unwanted children are out there rioting, looting, and killing for property.
Saying the riots this year were nothing compared to some speculative stand back imma try science projection is just... lol idunno, but the riots this year were unprecedented. Period. Saying they coulda been way worse is calling the winner in the middle of the game. Lets revisit this on 12november or 21january and see what shape we're in. I am frankly entertained at your interest in 'murikan politics... I won't argue that your level of knowledge on the subject displays a high degree of intellect, but at your age you should be pimpin' out yer skyline or playing with your waifu and mad samoyeds... unless you are going for an advanced poli/sci degree... of course I AM just a spergy retard, so my opinion doesn't count for much.
Edit oops I got two posts konfoozed.. its that yellow... its al a blur
Preventative healthcare in the case of not having unwanted children is a huge demand and you would have to be retarded to think the regular doctors office would fairly handle the influx of cases after "shutting down planned parenthood".
Nope and for girls who get raped and didn't know what to do & might not survive childbirth & other situations as well as plan B on top of the anti pregnancy devices I mentioned are all things that happen quite frequently.
You may have a lazy I dont give a shit about other peoples problems attitude but don't come crying to your party when the unwanted children are out there rioting, looting, and killing for property.
Contraception is not healthcare. Abortion is not healthcare.

Unwanted children are already fucking rioting out in the streets.

I have no problem what so ever killing to protect my property, my dogs, my personal well being, my neighbor's property, their well being etc. You're guilt tripping the wrong dude. That shit only works on leftist soybois.

It's not something I look forward to, but am more than prepared to do so if the situation should arise. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
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