This is like saying, sure my Australian Funnel-web spider breeding operation is bad for my orphanage as adoption rates are low from all the spider bit dead kids, could be higher if I just squash this the spider eggs. But life is sacred and ill just step on the spiders after they already bit some kid so maybe they will learn the laws.

while you're at it go make a silk farm and get the kids to collect silk for your burgeoning side business.
This is like saying, sure my Australian Funnel-web spider breeding operation is bad for my orphanage as adoption rates are low from all the spider bit dead kids, could be higher if I just squash this the spider eggs. But life is sacred and ill just step on the spiders after they already bit some kid so maybe they will learn the laws.
Bro. You high?
So it's ok to kill kids as long as they've left the womb?
You are completely ignorant of what was over there and I'll just leave it at that, much like most things.

Better question. is is it ok to kill kids as long as they are in the womb.

I thought she died already... I see I was wrong.

Supreme Sauce
Bruh you are all stupid. Americans are retarded and deserve extinction. Here is how to fix it gaymerica (facts)

-Deport all non-whites/segregate them into their own subnation (world peace if done worldwide)
-Kill abortion doctors for breaking the hippocratic oath and women who had one for being hoes
-Weimerica is not a democracy, it is a satanic pedophile oligarchy. Democracy is gay too, so make Trump the eternal emperor and change the name of the US to "IMPERIVM AMERICAE"
-Add slavery as a punishment method for crimes
-Use capital punishment more frequently, especially for hollywood types. Bring back lynching!
-Add capital punishment to the list of possible punishments for homosexuality, usury, not being christian, and other degeneracies.
-Women being whores are extra-judicialy executed. (Idea: Every town has a state sanctioned cumdumpster, the "town whore", to alleviate male urges. There can be only one for each town though. Something to consider)
-Inject male babies with testostorone and Alex Jones' Male Vitality
-Jews can't be teachers, bankers, journalists, rabbis or hold any type of office or have other administrative or cultural power. Sorry Schlomo, fuck off to your own country!
-Literally nuke LA
-Lower the age of consent to 16 (Just kidding... unless?)
-Racism is encouraged by society and taught in schools.
-Race mixing is to be reported to the FBI
-Women can't be priests, bosses, teachers, have a job, vote or hold any kind of office by law. Unless you want to become a professional cook then fuck off sweetie
-Women comedians are banned. If you are not funny you are to be punished.
-Move the White House to Florida

If you think this is "ironic" you are a retarded faggot and are being executed when I become advisor to the Emperor
an embryo the size of a lentil is not a child

It's the only real argument you people have, "it's not a human at this stage." Well, if it's not a human baby, then what is it? a pineapple? At the end of term what will it become? A pony?

That argument doesn't wash either. No one would pull the plug on someone in a coma if they knew that in nine months they would wake up.
Cuckservatives want the law to be based on their own personal opinions but then deny its an authoritarian ideology
Perhaps you should look at what the progressives/liberals/democrats have been doing for the last ten years. Screaming at people until they "support" their ideology, burning cities in the name of their ideology, telling everyone there is no difference between a dickless male and a woman, etc., etc. Nevertheless, not killing people out of a matter of convenience is not authoritarian. It's basic human rights.
>rape woman
>impregnate her with my seed epic style
possibility 1:
>she keeps the baby
>she gotta take care of my seed
>still raped
>epic win
possibility 2:
>she aborts her pregnancy
>not only is she still raped, she also goes to hell to be raped eternally by the devil forever
>giga epic super mega win
Perhaps you should look at what the progressives/liberals/democrats have been doing for the last ten years.
Typical cuckservative behaviour, reverting to whataboutisms instead of admitting your own problems

Nevertheless, not killing people out of a matter of convenience is not authoritarian
Its the other side that are against killing people

Your lot would have the death penalty for shoplifting if they could
Typical cuckservative behaviour, reverting to whataboutisms instead of admitting your own problems

Its the other side that are against killing people

Your lot would have the death penalty for shoplifting if they could
No just noting the liberal bias of your fucktarded statement. Each political party wants their policies enacted. yet you deem conservative policy as authortarian, and let liberals slide even though they deem their policy is to be as adhered to as strict or even more strict as a conservative policy.

The liberals and progressives are against killing people? LOL. Do you watch the news?

You're not well.
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