Seattle ANTIFAggots say, "Hold my patchouli," and steal six city blocks.

He is cucking out to BLM, your president doesnt care about you bro, he just does whatever kushner tells him will get him twitter likes
peaceful BLM is nothing more than a Dem fundraising organization.
Demos are risking the lives of their constituents by trying to force Trump to take federal control. He's a dictator etc. It's pretty fucking obvious if you actually examined the situation.

Failure to act is dereliction of duty. If these people want to blame a cop for not recognizing that man was going into cardiac arrest, then should be culpable for the businesses and lives destroyed for allowing riots to continue in their city.
peaceful BLM is nothing more than a Dem fundraising organization.
Demos are risking the lives of their constituents by trying to force Trump to take federal control. He's a dictator etc. It's pretty fucking obvious if you actually examined the situation.

Failure to act is dereliction of duty. If these people want to blame a cop for not recognizing that man was going into cardiac arrest, then should be culpable for the businesses and lives destroyed for allowing riots to continue in their city.
Why are the GOP voting to destroy civ war statues and renaming bases?
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