Seattle ANTIFAggots say, "Hold my patchouli," and steal six city blocks.

And of course, instead of taking control of his country, trump is tweeting about "criminal justice reform" again
It's that pesky states rights thing. You wouldn't understand. For Trump to take control of Seattle or any other city that is in chaos, he would have to declare martial law, which is what the dems want since it would "prove" Trump is a dictator and therefore Hitler. Here's what Trump would have to do. Trump hasn't pulled the trigger on this yet.

Plus, in the case of Seattle, the complications of making a literal pimp a martyr would ultimately further fuel the unrest.

But I'm surprised that you of all people are not calling this a false flag op. Consider that BLM donations go directly to a superfund PAC that funds dem candidates, and all of this is happening 6 moths before the election. It's sure saving Biden's ass. Everyone seems distracted by the looting and destruction to notice that person stricken with dementia is the democrat nominee.
But I'm surprised that you of all people are not calling this a false flag op. Consider that BLM donations go directly to a superfund PAC that funds dem candidates, and all of this is happening 6 moths before the election. It's sure saving Biden's ass. Everyone seems distracted by the looting and destruction to notice that person stricken with dementia is the democrat nominee.
Most of the chazonians arent part of blm or antifa. Keep up
Most of the chazonians arent part of blm or antifa. Keep up
LOL ok. African American Community Advisory Council just got pissed off because Chazlandia was hijacked by ANTIFA
“The thing is, you have hijacked this! You have taken the meaning away!”

They're not calling themselves ANTIFA because they believe if they keep changing their name people won't recognize who they are. Sadly it works surprisingly well on leftists and left leaning people.
Most of them are regular ANTIFA. And as we saw there are ANTIFA in the mix

The degree of their ANTIFAggotry is moot. One may place free food further up on the hierarchy of wants than the other. The other wants to abolish capitalism/free markets. Another has abolish police/prisons in the same spot. But if you look at the list of each of them all of them probably have 95% of the same things listed. The order is inconsequential.

It's naive to think everyone within a group will have the exact same or nearly the same hierarchy of interests.
Bro how you going to explain how ancaps are antifa members lmao
You'll have to point out the Anarcho-capitalists for me because I sure don't see any. I don't see a single person advocating for free markets. Every interview on the net is about free this and that and housing, et. al. is a right, blah, blah, blah.

Nonetheless. If you do find an Ancap, anarchy is their goal. You pay attention to much to labels. Sad. Much like you calling yourself intelligent but it's obvious you couldn't figure out a light switch on your own.

Anarcho-capitalism. That just doesn't work. Just like Anarcho-communists.
The key element in both later parts is ORDER. But if you don't have ORDER you have nothing but anarchy. Each has points where one shouldn't do this or that, but as we all know people tend to do what they want whether it's legal or not. And then what.

As so far as completely replacing security with private firms, well that would place the government in a losing position wouldn't it. The elected officials would be at the mercy of Omni-Cop Corp or War Inc. because these privately held firms would answer only to the CEO. To think a government official would and could wield any control a private company without some stake in the company is ludicrous, or the elected official is the CEO, which in that case you have a dictatorship. Or what if the newly elected is not liked, since the companies being private they could just shirk their duties. Which the elected offical would have to create a state force to preserve order in hopes he or she will be re-elected.

I don't even need to tug at the thread. It falls apart quite easily on it's own.

But then again you don't seem to be a deep thinker "Chris."
You'll have to point out the Anarcho-capitalists for me because I sure don't see any. I don't see a single person advocating for free markets. Every interview on the net is about free this and that and housing, et. al. is a right, blah, blah, blah.

Nonetheless. If you do find an Ancap, anarchy is their goal. You pay attention to much to labels. Sad. Much like you calling yourself intelligent but it's obvious you couldn't figure out a light switch on your own.

Anarcho-capitalism. That just doesn't work. Just like Anarcho-communists.
The key element in both later parts is ORDER. But if you don't have ORDER you have nothing but anarchy. Each has points where one shouldn't do this or that, but as we all know people tend to do what they want whether it's legal or not. And then what.

As so far as completely replacing security with private firms, well that would place the government in a losing position wouldn't it. The elected officials would be at the mercy of Omni-Cop Corp or War Inc. because these privately held firms would answer only to the CEO. To think a government official would and could wield any control a private company without some stake in the company is ludicrous, or the elected official is the CEO, which in that case you have a dictatorship. Or what if the newly elected is not liked, since the companies being private they could just shirk their duties. Which the elected offical would have to create a state force to preserve order in hopes he or she will be re-elected.

I don't even need to tug at the thread. It falls apart quite easily on it's own.

But then again you don't seem to be a deep thinker "Chris."
How are ancaps antifa
I bet that one EDF'r from Asheville is there planting crops... fuck I'm bad with names. hobo... really nice... big glasses... retarded hat... dog
Hes prolly bumming cigs n laughing at pretentiousness in the movement.
Hes sensible enough to bounce if shit gets too dumb.

Or hes gonna try n start a hobo war like the garden ninja in Seattle. Whose apparently a well known crazy guy that likes to just fuck shit up. Bless.
He would never bum cigs.. just pick up their snipes and smoke whats left, c'mon he's practical
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