Seattle ANTIFAggots say, "Hold my patchouli," and steal six city blocks.

Someone just got woke.
i love my white privilege! my supermarket doesnt look like that at all!
oppressed laughter.jpeg
Would be fun to setup w a 300 winmag a few blocks out and recreate sniper alley from Bosnia. Of course that is probably already in the works ;)
theres quite difference between a musician getting an $80k grant to set up a recording studio......and working for the UAE government
"musician." Name one instrument he's known to play, or has played or played even once.

I dont' recall anyone saying they were similar. Both scenarios suggest he has really no visible means of support and this is the way he's able to do this. His businesses are such obvious fronts it's pathetic. This is not self made. Perhaps he is an agent as you suggest or more likely, he is someone who is known to be a fuckhead and a person or organization gave him "monies for necessities" and he naturally does what he does - fuck up.

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