how to you too my native american friend
I don't believe that article does anything your Tinder profile hasn't done already. I bet when you swipe right on someone on Tinder, theirhttp://encyclopediadramatica.gay/Donald_Buffkin is on auto forward to all the women I swipe right for on Tinder. Evil motherfucking fuckers. I will make you all change domains again for cockblocking an elegant and refined gentleman like myself.
Son of a bitch. Without me there is no Encyclopedia Dramatica. Not only could I shut it down any time I want but people donate just to see my face on one of your shitty articles filled with cancerous lies.I don't believe that article does anything your Tinder profile hasn't done already. I bet when you swipe right on someone on Tinder, theirs slam shut with an audible thunderclap.
Eating Mentos and drinking diet coke at the same time.hFf
What's the story behind this?