Thoughts on this shitty personality test?

Thoughts on the Meyers-Briggs 16 Personality Test (MTBI)?

Why it’s shit: Rehashes the same questions, claims to be 91.2% accurate, with 1.5 billion tests taken. Doesn’t explain everything, and believes there’s only 16 personalities.

Taken it a few times, realistically it’s not that reliable, and there are actually people who base their entire being around this shit.

Anyways, seemed intresting. Here’s my result.

Have any of y’all taken this test before? What did y’all get? And what are your thoughts on it?



edf does not exist YOU ARE HALLUCINATING
Taken it a few times, realistically it’s not that reliable, and there are actually people who base their entire being around this shit.
yes its true--nerds are especially "fascinated" by myers-briggs scores
it's outdated and psychologists think it's a joke, but layman types still take it as "valid"
might as well be astrology or kabbalah

it is routine to see "INTP" listed on wikipedia userpages, as if anyone cared about their extreme adhd-ocd tendencies
i dont look at wikipedo to see what basement dwellers think of something


edf does not exist YOU ARE HALLUCINATING
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I love Apple products. Also, I am fat and gay.
Thoughts on the Meyers-Briggs 16 Personality Test (MTBI)?

Why it’s shit: Rehashes the same questions, claims to be 91.2% accurate, with 1.5 billion tests taken. Doesn’t explain everything, and believes there’s only 16 personalities.

Taken it a few times, realistically it’s not that reliable, and there are actually people who base their entire being around this shit.

Anyways, seemed intresting. Here’s my result.

Have any of y’all taken this test before? What did y’all get? And what are your thoughts on it?

If this test free?
Thoughts on the Meyers-Briggs 16 Personality Test (MTBI)?

Why it’s shit: Rehashes the same questions, claims to be 91.2% accurate, with 1.5 billion tests taken. Doesn’t explain everything, and believes there’s only 16 personalities.

Taken it a few times, realistically it’s not that reliable, and there are actually people who base their entire being around this shit.

Anyways, seemed intresting. Here’s my result.

Have any of y’all taken this test before? What did y’all get? And what are your thoughts on it?

I got the Mediator one.
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