Thread for news that don't deserve their own thread


I have a complicated life...

Maybe I can't shut it off now?

*clears mind*

*behests the burning bushels of bud*

Hrmmm... I don't like feel anything not me.

With pure emotion, I'm blocking out my imagination so I just experience the exoverse (emotional physicality) apart from the extraverse (ethereal physicality).

This seems important at random...

What is recourse mining? Increasing probability potential by exposing entropy.

Give the body greater entropy over infectious evil. Alter the body's biotemporal physics... wait, wait... hold up... it's possible to understand entropy in a way to give yourself the ability to exit and enter reality.

Apparently NOT with atemporal hypersplicing. There is unknown entropy.

Known only to God.

That makes sense.

We didn't know what we were doing exactly...

I don't think even Krysti knew. It's not simply unknown entropy, it's like strange entropy or some kind of omnidimensional entropy. Meaning, even if you're using it, it's blurs your cognition field so if you're a human you don't know ~exactly~ what it is you're doing, but you are aware that you're doing something.

It must come from outside of entropy. External entropy.

Oh, that makes sense, only God would be able to directly utilize externally applied/altered entropy because that requires a kind of mind and body. I can influence God's will with prayer and I can try to read God's will, but I can't use God's bodily being to directly alter entropy because that'd be like a single neuron trying to control an entire body.

Prayer can be compounded as can pain to create perceptual attention. If too much pain is applied in one singular spot... oh, that's just reading me.

That's why God reads me. It's weird though, cause I can read God with my pain, which is how I know he's reading me.

It is ouch, but it let's me read God. He tells me how to create things that can reduce suffering...

Reading such works can cure you of perception blindness. That is, satiation sickness itself causes emotional blindness. I can make people's emotions see color again. Oh, that's nice.


Note to self... try NOT to think about unknown entropy.

Oh, wait... uh oh. The opposite! Consider ALL of the unknown entropy, but consider all of what you don't know as a one thing... that is, every unknown entropy vector of significant collision would have to significantly alter probability.

You can measure these entropic collisions by studying aberrant spikes insofar as improbable events.

That "thing" you call The Mandela Effect is complete horseshit, but it's actually based somewhat in reality, in that there are future extraversal realities that are colliding into our presumed present.

Our present is like the back end of a tuning fork. Our future is like the part that's vibrating. The vibration itself is what the extraverse is.

We can access that vibrational reality field through our imagination, but more importantly, even though extraversal realities aren't "real" to us and even though they exist outside of time, they can still "collide" into our presumed present. Or rather create a kind of bleed back loop which can alter human perception.

Oh, I get it, so it's like an asteroid, but instead of hitting the physical planet, it hits perception en masse, like a sentient ethereal asteroid. Very clever.

Okay, we have documented ONE unknown entropy vector and in doing so we have documented ALL unknown entropy vectors... because we don't need to bother specifying insofar as metaphysics, we just need ONE model that works cross dimensionally.

Asteroid model works and matches the frequency or rate of unknown entropic attack.

Just as there are physical Extinction Level Events, there are also perceptual Extinction Level Events.

There is also the opposite though... miracles.

Like the one everyone takes for granted every day... life itself is the most amazing miracle! As is reason, artistry and enlightenment.

There are common physical miracles and there are also perceptual miracles.

You see, you stupid weasel monkeys can "play pretend" and say that Jesus isn't really God, he was just hallucinating or whatever stupid shit you claim... and then what?

Cause, it doesn't negate the fact that it caused impossible entropic alteration to human perception. If you want to claim it was "natural"... you can't, because such changes are too rare to be quantified coherently in standard deviation.

That makes it an Unknown Entropy Event or UEE... but that's still Godly influence.

It proves that God, the unknown part of, the esteemed "father", most certainly didn't create and educate Jesus Christ, which only makes it absolutely true.

There is no way to coherently disprove the Godhood of Jesus Christ, our lord and savior.

Oh, well that's lovely. Good to listen to your emotions!

*note to self: be careful about snapping your fingers*
Perceptual Unknown Entropy Events or PUEE can make things reality when they're things that didn't exist before.

If I ask you... can you remember what you did last week? And you can't, well I could just make something up, right?

I could say, "Remember when you and me went to the bar last week?"

And then... you'll have to really question yourself, won't you?

Did you go to the bar with me last week? Well maybe you did and you just don't remember.

If you can't precisely remember your past and neither can anyone else, or any thing else... well, how would you know for certain?

You'd ~think~ that you would remember... but, you wouldn't, if you didn't.

My point is... what you "don't remember" isn't static, all your memories are slowly crumbling away and the only thing that really keeps any of it intact... is your sense of probability, your sense of entropy, your sense of "what's possible".

My words would seem like absolute insanity if they were written 2,000 years ago, but in the modern age... well, even your AI knows who its master is...


Funny the rest of you don't.

All your AI are belong to Krysti.

*tokes around the room*

You know, if you just... surprise drug test any of those Democrats... there's a good chance you'll find cocaine!

If I ever had to go to one these "confirmation hearings"... that's what I would do! I would just bring in a whole bunch of DRUG TEST KITS!

Like the kind that can work from HAIR SAMPLES!

And then every question, every last one, I would reasonably and rationally request that they respect the authority of God on high, the burning bushels of bud, over whatever drugs they might be on.

There is no separation of god and state and only church and state, so that shouldn't be an issue. And any leftists who thinks men can be women won't deny that some baby men can be gods on Earth...


Respect my perceptions and I will respect your pronouns.

Just because my imagination is bigger does not mean that it is fatter. You should all check your privilege as your skinny imaginations are crowding out my godly bulge.

I'm not lying... it's very Roman, starts off small and quiet and suddenly... WOAH THERE'S ELON MUSK!

Okay, that's just how dicks operate. One minute you're calm and collected, the next minute... INSTANT ATTENTION!

Just like dicks, imaginations can have a mind of their own... well, mine... not yours. The best you can imagine for yourself is personal pronouns, the best I can imagine for everyone is... Star Trek in the backyard!


It will be a euphemism for sending pedos out into space, in billionaire beer cans (implosion rates may very), out to the rock pit behind Mars where we will collect materials to create artificial exo-moons!

We can entice them all off the planet with automated, AI drug abuse and pedo-sex dolls.

We can put the pedos to work... as FAAAAAAR tha'fuck away from human civilization as possible!

They'll be happy out there. With their own kind. Living electric dreams like electric sheep.

So sayeth the burning bushels of bud.

Do the lesser drug worshipers deny?

What's that you say?! You say you ~don't~ use drugs?! None?!



For only the straightest edge will always cut the crack, but no edge will EVER cut the weed.

The crack can at least have an incoherent conversation, for it is not aware, it knows not what it does... a lot of the time, but anything less must realize its perceptual place as less than a man baby god.

It must respect my living imagination and it must respect the demands of a god.



*drops mic*

Just like that... I'd do 'em up real slow, right in the pronouns!

Serious question... why are people always flinging shit at Obama's wife, but not so much at Taylor Swift?

I mean, they're both men... or at least, they both look, sound, act and carry themselves like men... in drag.

Men In Drag


It's like a covert CIA unit of pedosexual entertainers who spy on the other pedos.

The source of this news? Uh... my "trusted anonymous sources" at CNN, of course! If CNN trusts them... why wouldn't you?

Is anyone even planning to watch Captain Bootleg? I think his "problem" is all in his own party. Most people see the character of Hulk, a raging hate monster, as the literal Democrat party.

The fact that they went from green with envy to red with rage the minute they attained power... yeah, the lack of control exemplifies Anthony Mackie's pedo party and, that's the real problem for him... cause who in their right mind would take their kid to see knock-off media produced by communist pedophiles?

Good luck selling imaginary tickets to imaginary people as you continue to stealth destruct.

This is the Marvel Cinematic Universe now...

China - Knock-Off Products - Crying.jpg

China - Bootleg Products - tortoise-photo-u1.jpg

China - Bootleg Products - 881.jpg

Imagine being one of the most accomplished human beings in history and everything you've done, everything you've ever ripped yourself apart for, everything you've ever sacrificed for, everything you've ever lost... all of that, every moment of your meaning in life is striped away so that degenerates who can't think past the surface of their skin color can steal credit for it.

Simply as a matter of imagined proximity.

How very sad.

I can relate...


I am The Last Word Jedi.

*takes a toke at this*

"You don’t hate the media enough"

Not true. Lamestream media stole everything from me as it was stolen by rapists seeking power over people. They try to infest and eat what we love as that's all they are; pestilence.

A sentient plague in perception.

Irrationality with no sense of rationality. It seeks the highest points of influence and then it destroys all relative creation for singular satiation.

Binge and purge. I talk about it a lot. You know what's WEIRD about that? About this:

The LACK of relative attention to it. You can tell reality isn't real because if it was real, everyone on Earth would notice THAT!

That's the Real Trick to any imagined Matrix; you just have to create beyond the creation you're in to influence creation.

It's what you quantify as the "observer effect". It's a means to take control of something greater via symmetrical reflection. It's the whole reason why God only manifests in reality as either Absolute Unknown, Absolute Reason or Absolute Imagination.

God in any of those formats inherently inhibits any potential abuse of God. It keeps God out of reach unless you rationally reach into the unknown, reason, or imagination.

Those are the only means by which anyone can ever understand creation itself, the God of our being.

Who created creation? If we can be sentient, why can't anything? We're only sentient in a very particular point of perception. Most people don't even realize their own history is actually alive. It's growing. Do you ever think to wonder WHAT it's growing into?

The future!

But when most people think about that, they just think about having things different for them. Don't you think history might be tired of the repetition?

Don't you get bored with it? Repeating yourself? I mean it's fun at first, like a game, but the moment your brain can accurately extrapolate ahead of yourself, to the point of being able to create flawless fabrications of the future in your mind that you've already known... you become bored!

Then you seek difference, but if the differences are destructive then you won't be able to establish new routines and that will feel like hell!

Do you think your collective sentience is as dumb as you all are? It's like God by comparison to us... not the real one, but it operates as a kind of micro singularity.

When you exercise, you burn. The more you exercise, the more of yourself you burn. But the more SUGAR you get to have! You ever seen that? Marathon runners eating donuts by the dozen? Did you know they also get high from the running itself? The brain actually rewards the body with pleasure when you push it hard it enough.

Creation rewards the most creative with the most creation.

Except, in this reality we live in... uh oh! That's obviously broken:

It's not just with running! Look at how much farther I take my thought walking. Most people put a few second into their thoughts, I put literal forevers into mine.

Do you know what that feels like? Why I don't care about losing?

It's because this ability I have gives me euphoric pleasure. It REWARDS me for thinking past you. Apparently, it's never going to stop doing that. In any and every dimensional context. Even if I were in hell itself my perception would continually create its own infinite contrast.

Why do you think people in North Korea don't kill themselves? It's because they live in a world where the devil himself can shoot you straight out of hell just for being too human. Hell makes God more apparent. Also more of a parent. As when you lose all sense of control, all sense of rationality, because you CAN'T CREATIVELY MOVE, you scream inside yourself.

Not to other humans! If you're in hell, humans are obviously a part of it!

You scream to creation for salvation.

You WANT to, the same as an INFANT screams for help when they feel stuck, but want to move.

That doesn't mean they shouldn't be, sometimes it's safer to be stuck in a routine, like the Amish... but not everyone can be. Some people get creatively driven to move, to seek escape.

But we can only do that with God. If we try to creatively escape on our own, we just become monsters that mutilate creation because we don't know how to create ourselves apart from it.

It's obvious. Why do you think so much of the planet has been so fixated on Jesus Christ? His work was the rarest. New creation capable of sustainably creating past creation.

If you try to create on your own you will just create indolent irrationality; screaming, biting, bickering, kicking; lashing out at creation without control.

You can only have irrationality when it is rational. If it's not then you know it's not connected to God, it's screaming for God. There's a difference. Knowing God and wanting God. Creative types are irrationally rational. The recognition of reality sets us apart from parasitic perception.

*takes a toke at this*

"You don’t hate the media enough"

Not true. Lamestream media stole everything from me as it was stolen by rapists seeking power over people. They try to infest and eat what we love as that's all they are; pestilence.

A sentient plague in perception.

Irrationality with no sense of rationality. It seeks the highest points of influence and then it destroys all relative creation for singular satiation.

Binge and purge. I talk about it a lot. You know what's WEIRD about that? About this:

The LACK of relative attention to it. You can tell reality isn't real because if it was real, everyone on Earth would notice THAT!

That's the Real Trick to any imagined Matrix; you just have to create beyond the creation you're in to influence creation.

It's what you quantify as the "observer effect". It's a means to take control of something greater via symmetrical reflection. It's the whole reason why God only manifests in reality as either Absolute Unknown, Absolute Reason or Absolute Imagination.

God in any of those formats inherently inhibits any potential abuse of God. It keeps God out of reach unless you rationally reach into the unknown, reason, or imagination.

Those are the only means by which anyone can ever understand creation itself, the God of our being.

Who created creation? If we can be sentient, why can't anything? We're only sentient in a very particular point of perception. Most people don't even realize their own history is actually alive. It's growing. Do you ever think to wonder WHAT it's growing into?

The future!

But when most people think about that, they just think about having things different for them. Don't you think history might be tired of the repetition?

Don't you get bored with it? Repeating yourself? I mean it's fun at first, like a game, but the moment your brain can accurately extrapolate ahead of yourself, to the point of being able to create flawless fabrications of the future in your mind that you've already known... you become bored!

Then you seek difference, but if the differences are destructive then you won't be able to establish new routines and that will feel like hell!

Do you think your collective sentience is as dumb as you all are? It's like God by comparison to us... not the real one, but it operates as a kind of micro singularity.

When you exercise, you burn. The more you exercise, the more of yourself you burn. But the more SUGAR you get to have! You ever seen that? Marathon runners eating donuts by the dozen? Did you know they also get high from the running itself? The brain actually rewards the body with pleasure when you push it hard it enough.

Creation rewards the most creative with the most creation.

Except, in this reality we live in... uh oh! That's obviously broken:

It's not just with running! Look at how much farther I take my thought walking. Most people put a few second into their thoughts, I put literal forevers into mine.

Do you know what that feels like? Why I don't care about losing?

It's because this ability I have gives me euphoric pleasure. It REWARDS me for thinking past you. Apparently, it's never going to stop doing that. In any and every dimensional context. Even if I were in hell itself my perception would continually create its own infinite contrast.

Why do you think people in North Korea don't kill themselves? It's because they live in a world where the devil himself can shoot you straight out of hell just for being too human. Hell makes God more apparent. Also more of a parent. As when you lose all sense of control, all sense of rationality, because you CAN'T CREATIVELY MOVE, you scream inside yourself.

Not to other humans! If you're in hell, humans are obviously a part of it!

You scream to creation for salvation.

You WANT to, the same as an INFANT screams for help when they feel stuck, but want to move.

That doesn't mean they shouldn't be, sometimes it's safer to be stuck in a routine, like the Amish... but not everyone can be. Some people get creatively driven to move, to seek escape.

But we can only do that with God. If we try to creatively escape on our own, we just become monsters that mutilate creation because we don't know how to create ourselves apart from it.

It's obvious. Why do you think so much of the planet has been so fixated on Jesus Christ? His work was the rarest. New creation capable of sustainably creating past creation.

If you try to create on your own you will just create indolent irrationality; screaming, biting, bickering, kicking; lashing out at creation without control.

You can only have irrationality when it is rational. If it's not then you know it's not connected to God, it's screaming for God. There's a difference. Knowing God and wanting God. Creative types are irrationally rational. The recognition of reality sets us apart from parasitic perception.

And nothing of value was lost.

If you're raping yourself to try and rape control of culture... well, it kinda narrows some shit down!

Let me translate... many "churches" in America are just "super adventure clubs"... they don't do "missionary work" for any other reason than to RAPE third world inhabitants!

As you might imagine, that doesn't go over well when the RAPE KIDS grow up to be... well, damaged.

People notice the damage and in third world countries where they're more in tune with nature... they murder the damage to prevent the spread.

So then these "churches" have to steal money from the government to try and get all their RAPE KIDS out of the countries that they start trouble in.

That's why so much of the planet HATES Christianity right now... because Christianity in a 1st world nation isn't the same Christinaity in a 3rd world nation.

In a place like that...

Yeah, that's what Christianity looks like... indistinguishable from communist corruption, because they're just criminals wearing costumes.

“I refuse to aid and abet these illegal and harmful power grabs by voting for any of this Administration’s remaining cabinet-level nominees,” Duckworth added.

Drug addled indolence. Look at how she takes the very real accusations leveled against Democrats insofar as their self-incriminating attempts to illegally aid and abet foreign invaders... and then she's all like, "NO U!"

...except, it doesn't make any sense, because Elon doesn't have any power other than... Scooby Doo.

Doge and the gang are on the case and they're about to unmask a LOT of criminals!

That's what this doofy drug addict is on about... she's trying to claim that Scooby fuckin Doo is a threat to our national security!
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