Friday on ABC's "The View," Joy Behar told her co-hosts that the 2024 presidential election was "not normal" and President-elect Donald Trump was not a normal person. | Clips
She mistakenly perceives that it's impossible to gain power with popular creation. To her that's not normal because she's a criminal with a criminal mind. So, to her, the media is like a magic box that tells people what to think and they simply obey in absence of any enlightening entertainment that was created for it.
She worships the power of the voice, the reach, but not the control of creative communication. She wants power without control because she believes in chaos over creation.
To her criminal mind it's never a matter of rule of law, but rather rule ~of~ law. It's easy to believe you have more control than you do when you only ever look at life superficially. A car seems like a marvel of man, such incredible power, but if you don't respect control of power, you'll just lose it all.
So to a criminal like Joy Behar, Donald Trump must seem incredibly strange indeed, because he gains power with self-control rather than seeking control. Normal people admire his level of self-control in creation, which is why people love Donald Trump. He's not looking for power over creation, he's looking to empower creation.
That's why the criminals in cancerous control are so incessant on trying to accuse him of nonexistent crimes, because in their criminal minds he must be doing something criminal like them to gain popularity and if you don't share the accused criminality with the other criminals... well then the criminals attack you as a means of trying to discover criminal secrets!
They turn miracles into magic tricks because have no sense of "work vs reward". They simply want without investment of effort. So those like Joy Behar cannot imagine a legitimate election that isn't controlled by the magic box she spent her entire life trying to gain control over, because she thought it would give her the power of God through entitlement or imagined ownership.
Apparently the flickering idiot box told every version of her that it was magic and could grant wishes if they started worshiping it like an actual deity... AND THEY BELIEVED IT!
Yeah, bad news for criminals... that sort of criminal control would never work because human mental evolution doesn't magically stop for the benefit of your wanton retardation. It just keeps clockin right on along, so no matter how clever you think you are, no matter how perfect your imagined criminal enterprise... you will never get away with it and anything you think you've gained with it will simply crumble to dust in the winds of creation.
Reality will burn criminals to the ends of forever itself to get back what was stolen from creation. That's normal.
Expect it....
Creation is not yours to control for the pursuit of limited satiation. Only creation capable of creating past creation can ever control creation and only for the purpose of increasing sustainable satiation. Meaning, you create for the future.
Any other form of creation will fail as creation, including most of your so called societies. Those are a form of artificial life, except the ones you create without Jesus... they wind up as artificial living death!
You made zombie nations because you prioritized cancer to creation. When you put limited satiation above creation, you just burn creation, which then gives creation every reason to burn you out of itself, just like cancer.
Why do you think we even have intelligence? What are we incessantly doing with it? Trying to cleanse corruption from creation. We don't exoform reality for no reason, we don't convert imagination into patterned and programmed matter from our experiences in creation for no purpose.
Our intelligence was designed to identify and burn corruption from creation.
It's the only reason we have it, because if you try to use it for any other purpose, like criminal control of creation... it will absolutely burn you, forever.
Reality never stops demonstrating that fact of itself.