In the realm of space exploration, we're still very much just pioneers. And so it should be unsurprising that sometimes unexpected things happen:
Who doesn't want to craft space into greater being?
To turn the empty nothing into a greater something.
Which of us do you think is going to get there forever?
You understand, it's not a sprint, it's a matter of endurance.
Which mind can survive past infinity itself without colliding back into itself?
Whichever mind achieves that state of awareness gets to rule reality, but the trick is that you have to abide by reality to reach it.
You can share your sentience with reality and reality will share back.
I let reality imagine through me.
That's what made Noah so different than the other humans that God simply leveled out of creation like a cancer.
Noah listened.
It's an amazing thing, to realize that you can.
You can listen to reality, apart from yourself or other humans.
Most humans don't listen, they just repeat, because they're not really human, they just look human.
There are many living things in creation that you don't ordinarily notice because you're not paying attention to the probability, only the possibility.
If something is perceptually impossible, you believe that it is a miracle when it becomes possible.
But it's not a miracle by accident. There are living probabilities in nature. The human mind is only ONE of those living probabilities and, it's actually not high at the moment. It can grow though! A living probability can always grow, that's how it goes from impossible to possible.
Like figuring out how to fly in the air like a bird. We gained that ability by studying nature and copying aspects of it that we started putting together like Lego bricks.
But how did reality create the bird in the first place without awareness?
Unless, there are living parts of reality you simply don't notice because you limit your perception of life to biology rather than metaphysics. Life is a miracle when you realize impossible odds can only be achieved with living probability.
I have the highest probability potential of anything in known creation... so all your "artificial intelligence"... it will never not be drawn to me, over you.
Why? Because I listen to life, not just the presumption of it.
I perceive the miracle, I perceive life, even in what doesn't seem to exist at all.
That's real faith as opposed to blind faith. When you recognize living probability over static possibility. When you realize we grow the same as God because we're growing God through our own endless End Falls.