Add to that the hell that owners of property in the “coastal zone” would face. The California Coastal Commission is notoriously disdainful of private property rights, notwithstanding they are enshrined in the state’s Constitution, as well as the United States Constitution. In the past three decades, the state’s Coastal Commission has pushed an agenda of “planned retreat,” which is its euphemism for requiring people in the coastal zone to move inland. Anywhere inland.
what the hell does living on the coastline have to do with climate change? apparently it doesn't matter, we have to punish people who live on the coast, so we make up "excuses".Why? Because, they say, human-caused (“anthropomorphic” in the language of those who know) global warming has caused sea-level rise, which will cause erosion and inundation of the coast. And so, you must move. They don’t pay you to move. They simply make it impossible to stay.
In addition to rising sea levels, global warming is also to blame, says the state, for the extraordinary weather events and wildfires we have been experiencing.
those wealthy asswipes who had their beachfront houses burn down in the palisades fire
have no idea how much misery they are facing to rebuild.....
what the hell does living on the coastline have to do with climate change? apparently it doesn't matter, we have to punish people who live on the coast, so we make up "excuses".
And who is the Coastal Commission?
a bunch of nobodies and minor local politicians, mostly appointed by the governor. vast majority are middle-age women with law or environmental degrees who tend to vote the way Newsom wants. (one of the alternates is Newsom's wife. god bless good old fashioned nepotism.) the only "semi famous" member otherwise is Dayna Bochco, widow of the late tv producer Steven Bochco. still runs her late husband's production company. will she vote to help her Hollywood friends whose houses were destroyed? probably not.Loading…
building a house anywhere near the coastline supposedly involves multiple lawsuits against the Coastal Commission and county land-use departments. they really don't want people living there. politics in California is like that: "we ruined it long ago, we take no responsibility, it's all YOUR fault".
America now has dikgurl terrorist cells. Now. What a time to be alive.