Thread for news that don't deserve their own thread

The Republic has some democratic features, but it is not a democracy. And thank Gawd for that, right Tubby?
I already told you about that in a much more succinct manner. Quence was correct.

However, there is one feature that I wish was retained:

“since the Constitution allowed state legislatures to decide who was qualified to vote, the only people choosing representatives were property-owning adult white men.”
Tsk Tsk, someone doesn’t realize he lives in a Constitutional Republic where states’ rights are exceedingly important.
Fucking hell you are stupid.

Meanwhile the Epstein files, - Federal jurisdiction. International pedo ring, blackmailing elected officials - Federal jurisdiction
investigation into Palestine OH, clear violation of EPA and hazardous waste containment and removal. violation of transportation of hazardous chemicals - Federal jurisdiction
Hawaii fires, State government failure to address disaster, corruption at the highest state level/elected officials - Federal jurisdiction
LA fires go unnoticed. State government failure to address disaster, corruption at the highest state level/elected officials - Federal jurisdiction
This lesbian and YOU are worthless. Perhaps kill yourself now. Sooner rather than later would be best.
Flecking hell you are stupid.

Meanwhile the Epstein files, - Federal jurisdiction. International pedo ring, blackmailing elected officials - Federal jurisdiction
investigation into Palestine OH, clear violation of EPA and hazardous waste containment and removal. violation of transportation of hazardous chemicals - Federal jurisdiction
Hawaii fires, State government failure to address disaster, corruption at the highest state level/elected officials - Federal jurisdiction
LA fires go unnoticed. State government failure to address disaster, corruption at the highest state level/elected officials - Federal jurisdiction
This lesbian and YOU are worthless. Perhaps kill yourself now. Sooner rather than later would be best.
Hmm, I think it’s clear that you don’t understand what “federal jurisdiction” really means.

Tiny Tim, have you been forgetting to take your chewable children’s vitamins? They not only are good for proper brain function, but they’ll also help you to reach your full height.

Hmm, I think it’s clear I'm a fucking retard and I have no idea how the federal government works, what it's powers are and what areas of authority are. I just listen to the jewish media and agree with things I like.
Everything I listed is literally a federal crime and responsiblity of the Federal Gubbermint.

I never gave you much thought but considering how stupid you are and how blatant you lies are it's becoming quite clear you are a fat middle aged black man who is either a fed or bed bound fattie. Most likely both.
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