Tokusatsu thread



As long as they don't name the jew......they are to be considered suspect. The jew employs those goyem who are able to artfully deflect attention away from the jew. The more artful they are at deflecting, and the greater their audience the more the jew pays them. Limbaugh was earning 30 million per year for his efforts. Hannity and Carlson are handsomely paid as well.
These goyem mouthpieces are important to the jew because the jew is a spineless little worm incapable of successful direct confrontation. They must stay hidden. Non-Jews will believe the misdirection from other non-jews, but not from jews nearly as much.
If people like Carlson actually named the jew, the jew would have some serious damage control to deal with. Much like how the jew pulled out all the stops on an international level to take down Bobby Fischer, the renegade jew, when he started to name them in no uncertain terms.
Of course the rub is only tiny little corners of the internet will allow for naming of the jew.
This is why it's incumbent upon us, this merry little band of jew-wise Whites, to go out in the real world and direct as many White men to resources, websites and other places that boldly name the jew without reservation.
Joe....I'm well aware you know all of this. My post was written for the larger audience of Whites looking for the connections, as well as an admonition to them to be wary of the jew's tools and White sellouts.
Portraying Holocaust revisionists as a lunatic fringe of antisemitic haters who just claim without a proof that fewer than six million Jews died in the so-called Holocaust is a false claim in itself. That's why Zionist-owned controlled opposition liars claim that. No surprise. Disinformation is any controlled opposition's job after all.

For info, Holocaust revisionists have vastly demonstrated that there exists no such a thing as physical and documentary evidence for the existence of 1) a Nazi program of extermination against the Jewish people, 2) Nazi homicidal gas chambers for the massacre of Jews, and 3) the death of around five or six million Jews in Europe during WWII. Some Holocaust revisionists stated that much fewer than six million Jews died in Europe during WWII because Holohoax propagandists often accuse "deniers" of claiming that not a single Jew died in Europe during WWII (a ridiculous thing no one ever said). But that's of course far from being their one and only argument, unlike what Zionist shills like Alex Jones and the like claim to mislead their gullible victims.
Her name is moldylocks or raunch vag-rosie because she does hairy-pussy porn. She used to be hot before her indoctrination at Karl Marx U.

Before Jew:


After Jew:


I had to clip the image, but if you really want to see the bottom half, which where she got her nickname view this thread: There's other things of interest there as well.

It's also important to note, that when that guy singled her out it was because she was tossing glass bottles into the crowd. I posted a video of it in the other thread here.
Hitler never used gas on the jews. He merely placed them in comfortable barracks to await the end of the war. It wasn't Hitler's fault the jews fart like elephants, high volumes of toxic fumes whereby they ultimately killed themselves. This is the real reason why they call them wandering jews. They simply cannot stay in one area too long before they find themselves either killed by the local population or suffocated by their own noxious exhaust.
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