Trying to become ambidextrous

Ok, came up with some more ideas. Specifically the extreme lower back.

I still have the four different poses.

1) Legs straight as can be with toes pointing up
2) Legs straight as can be with toes pointing out
3) Legs bent as far as you can with toes pointing forward
4) Legs bent as far as you can with feet together and spread your legs apart yoga pose

The snow angels are only necessary until you get past the point you are touching your shoulder blades. Once you get past that point, the snow angels are unnecessary.

Once you get to your lower back, start rocking back and forth in each of these positions while you are on the board. I did about 10 steps in total this time around.

I went all the way down until I got to the tailbone. I don't think you want to rest your tailbone on the board itself, so that is where I stopped.

Another thing. While I'm doing snow angels, I experience some extreme nerve pain in certain positions. When this happens, stop on the nerve pain for about 5 seconds. Embrace that nerve pain and make it go away while you are laying on the board in that position.

Edit - I will add that I'm very advanced at this now. So maybe be easy on yourself to start. Don't want you doing actual damage while attempting this.
Ok, came up with some more ideas. Specifically the extreme lower back.

I still have the four different poses.

1) Legs straight as can be with toes pointing up
2) Legs straight as can be with toes pointing out
3) Legs bent as far as you can with toes pointing forward
4) Legs bent as far as you can with feet together and spread your legs apart yoga pose

The snow angels are only necessary until you get past the point you are touching your shoulder blades. Once you get past that point, the snow angels are unnecessary.

Once you get to your lower back, start rocking back and forth in each of these positions while you are on the board. I did about 10 steps in total this time around.

I went all the way down until I got to the tailbone. I don't think you want to rest your tailbone on the board itself, so that is where I stopped.

Another thing. While I'm doing snow angels, I experience some extreme nerve pain in certain positions. When this happens, stop on the nerve pain for about 5 seconds. Embrace that nerve pain and make it go away while you are laying on the board in that position.

Edit - I will add that I'm very advanced at this now. So maybe be easy on yourself to start. Don't want you doing actual damage while attempting this.
@squiggles2 Should we use a traction table before doing these poses?
So, 4 hours of back breaking labor outside and going for one more. I realize now that they were smart when they called it "back breaking labor". But at the end of the day, if you do it right, it is actually "back saving labor" isn't?

I've been redefining the stone steps in my lawn. I've been redefining the edging all over the place. I have a tool that has a metal gear wheel to go through the ground. It's March, so the lawn doesn't know what hit it. And a square shovel. What have I been doing with the extra dirt? Good question! I've been filling in the low spots with it. The driveway that has blocks on it and cracks in there? Goodbye "salad bar", for now at least. It's also clean out the garage day and get stuff working. Oh, the sump pump, that's next Saturday. Permanent fix. No more doing the stupid shit to make it work during the winter.

I mowed the lawn for no reason at all but to suck up everything that stuck there from the winter. Pick up all the branches. Pick up all the garbage. Find a few more "planted baseballs". Turned on the outside hose spickets. I accidentally left the one on in the open position and forgot about it. Leaving it on in the open position was not the problem. That was correct. That way the pipes don't freeze and burst. The problem was me turning on the water before I closed the spicket for 30 minutes before I found out. Oh well, that will make the ground that much softer for when I have to dig up the sump pump line that is broken and needs to be fixed.

Oh, yeah, windy day! Very windy! My mother cooked some soup and I left the garage door open. So I opened the kitchen window and the brand new fucking screen mesh popped out because of the wind. Test failed! Thanks guys. I'll fix it right. No problem, I'm not going to bitch to their company about it.

Yeah, that's about it.
Had another one of my "genius ideas". I've started to see carpenter ants in the house today. You have to kill the scouts. You have to kill the messengers. If you don't, they will leave a chemical trail for others to follow to make a colony in your home.

Killing the scout ants doesn't count in my book as "killing something". Basically, it's like killing a finger of something else, or a wrist or something. The ant isn't an animal. It is a part of an animal. Same goes for anything that has colonies like that.

So, what do?

How about this? I'm going to put a "food source" in my garden's away from the house. That way, they are attracted to that and the house gets left the fuck alone!

Take that exterminators.

Spiders? Yes, please.

Thankfully, I don't have termites. I would probably destroy whole colonies of those things.

Roaches? Thankfully not.
Had another one of my "genius ideas". I've started to see carpenter ants in the house today. You have to kill the scouts. You have to kill the messengers. If you don't, they will leave a chemical trail for others to follow to make a colony in your home.

Killing the scout ants doesn't count in my book as "killing something". Basically, it's like killing a finger of something else, or a wrist or something. The ant isn't an animal. It is a part of an animal. Same goes for anything that has colonies like that.

So, what do?

How about this? I'm going to put a "food source" in my garden's away from the house. That way, they are attracted to that and the house gets left the fuck alone!

Take that exterminators.

Spiders? Yes, please.

Thankfully, I don't have termites. I would probably destroy whole colonies of those things.

Roaches? Thankfully not.
@squiggles2 Sprinkling diatomaceous earth around their trails will also help get rid of them.
Rainbow 6 Siege help me so much with my timing in life and the control of my fingers. I can't even tell you. Here is the project that is half finished for tomorrow just before it started to rain.


Half finished project. Riddle of the Sphinx here. Is there a buried 10th stone? I cannot remember but I'm going to say "yes!" because my dad would not have done something unsymmetrical.

This is the time of year to do the major pruning jobs and such. The plants don't have a chance. They are just trying to come out of winter hibernation and haven't formed their defenses yet.

As I say this, I had just finished cleaning the kitchen and the load of laundry has now been finished. Time to go to the dryer.

Now I have a few minutes before I leave for the night.
There is a show on the History Channel called "Life after humans" which shows this very thing. However many years ago those stones were placed, nature took over and decided that they don't get to be on top anymore.
Lessons learned from today's 1+ hour back exercises to help with back, neck, spine and especially extreme lower back/hip pain:

1) Yes, do the spine decompression/rack after the session on the board.

Edit - be sure to give yourself like 5 minutes flat on your back after you are done to rest. And the rack should be about 5 to 10 minutes at full extension.

2) I've augmented the snow angels to target the shoulders. This one is good.
Four snow angel techniques:
a) Traditional knuckles dragging on the ground
b) Palms on the ground (this one you probably won't be able to do the full snow angel with, just rotate when you can no longer do it)
c) Extreme clockwise wrist snow angel
d) Extreme counterclockwise wrist snow angel

I used to have a very hard and significant click in my left shoulder. It is now 80% to 90% gone. Also, I found some clicks in my right shoulder that I never knew I had doing this.

3) I've augmented the back rocking technique once you get past the snow angels portion.
a) Legs down, toes up. Start rocking back and forth, side to side.
b) Legs down, toes out. Start rocking back and forth, side to side.
c) Knees bent all the way up and together. Start rocking back and forth, side to side.
d) Knees bent all the way up and spread your legs as far as you can yoga pose. Start rocking back and forth, side to side.
e) Midway knees bent and do the same.

4) I've done all the way down the board today until I was going to fall off of it. The slot in between won't touch your tailbone.

The jury is still out on the lower back nerve pain. I will let you know in a week or two if I've solved that puzzle.
Unlocked left middle finger "middle joint stay put and top joint bend". Edit - this will be the alien way to flick someone off.

Also, finally getting to the point where it's actually "do as I do" and not "do as I say but not as I do" (with the exception of drugs and alcohol, that one will have to wait for now).
I can not give Invisalign more thumbs up than is possible.

1) Straight teeth, no overbite, no anything wrong
2) When I grind my teeth, I'm not grinding my teeth
3) Got rid of my nail biting habit
4) Got rid of my "fog eating" habit (eating whenever you feel like). You actually have to take these things out to eat and be conscious of it.

There's probably more benefits that I'm forgetting.

It is terrible at first. You won't like it. You need to get used to it. But definitely worth it. Get rid of a bunch of bad habits.

I'll probably be wearing these things for the rest of my life.
The really good sign is when you have to redo the knots in your sweatpants and shorts in order to keep them up and not have them fall down your legs.
I've been adhering to Ramadan this year. With the exception of drinking water. And drinking hard seltzers. And drinking tequila. And doing ketamine. But, dawn to dusk ... no food.

I just broke my fast.
Ok, I actually have something new to add to the mix today. Another little invention that should be done by everyone.

After last night's monumental success story on the dance floor, I went for a walk today to get my 10,000 steps in or whatever.

But I'm still on fire from going on a St Paddy's Day pub crawl with 4 girls and no other guys, so I decided to augment my "walk in the park" today.

I want to get better at dancing. Maybe even one day, dare I say it, break dancing (insert Australian girl meme here). So, when I was nice and warmed up halfway through my walk, I decided to start walking backwards. And spinning around clockwise. And spinning around counter clockwise. And walking backwards some more.

And then, I started to crabwalk both ways, left and right to become more ambidextrous. Sideways walk, face one direction, then front foot forward, front foot back. Turn around, front foot forward, front foot back.

I'll tell you what, this was an exercise for my legs and I'm almost out of gas. Got to get me second wind. Time to play basketball while it's still nice and it's daylight.

Edit - super fun being on the dance floor with 1 other guy and 20 girls btw.
There was this guy back in the raver days of the late 90's who I am trying to emulate. You could tell this guy was ambidextrous. He would have a hat on and do all the moves like a robot and use the hat as a prop in his dancing act.

I really want to be able to do this. I can already "marionette" myself quite nicely and I'm getting down the Michael Jackson moves. So, let's get there!
Oh, in case you forgot, I am autistic. So I have something more to say.

I'm also trying to make "dizziness" become a thing of the past as well. So I'm spinning myself around while I walk and trying to walk of the dizziness both clockwise and counterclockwise.
I am going to unlock the "unstoppable human monster tidal wave of a person" that you all can be if it is the last thing I do.
Oh, before basketball, I get to tell you about my billiards story from last night!

Yes. There was a pool table at one of the bars. Someone claimed it first. Cool, cool, just use it and let me know when I can use it, please.

I do my autistic billiards rack, which is now set in stone btw. My girl's BFF is awesome at pool. Let me show her a thing or two! Ambidextrous pool coming up.

I'm on fire. She's drunk. I get to the point where there is only the 7 ball left and it is a difficult bank, and the 8 ball is right next to it. I bank the 8 ball in. She wins by default! Yes!

Lots of stretching, lots of angles, lots of poses. Yes, yes, yes!
Oh, I almost forgot. How dare me!

On the way home, we were using drive ride apps and such. Yes, I was being a good boy!

Anyways, on the ride back from downtown, I get placed in the front seat and have an awesome conversation with some black chick that was talking about her momma.

Nailed it! I was pretty much 96% perfect that night. I still had some apprehensions that caused me to fold in at times. But once I was out. I was out!

Edit - that was probably that person's best ride share in a while. The girls get to talk to themselves and the orchestrator gets to talk to the driver.
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