Dear Encyclopedia Dramatica site administrators:
I am writing this letter on behalf of myself to let you know that your site might be on the verge of another lawsuit due to unauthorized personal information exposure as you have with
this article.
In this current state, it is far more than inflammatory ridicule to the entire community that you are allowing suspected cyber-stalkers to expose such personal information or public records. It is a federal crime to allow such personal information to be shown to public, even on a shock site like ED for example. I have also filed complaints regarding the link to the article to various websites and federal agencies, which could boost the likelihood of your site being exposed by law enforcement stepping your way.
Once the federal agencies step in to notify your website one day, you will be given and cease and decease order to delete the VideoGamePhenom article and never reinstate it again. Should the VGP article remain intact any longer, you could face charges for violating safety regulations against innocent people plus a suspected hate crime. By law, you are required to do as said above so that we can create damage control to avoid another tense situation like this.
Thank you