Unironic thoughts on black people

their dumb


+size butt model
EDF2 Survivor
Their ability to sufficiently adapt is depending on their country of origin.
Blacks from christian nations usually fare better here than e.g. Nigerians or Somalis.

As a general rule they are far less of a nuisance than the arabs and nafris.


Dildo Collector
Africans are the main reason for climate change, air pollution, soil contamination, basically all the "it kills the planet" stuff whitey is blamed for, simply because they breed like flies and cause an overpopulation of the planet. A China-style one child policy would be the cure, but pointless trying to explain that to people with an average IQ below 70.


EDF2 Survivor
Africans are the main reason for climate change, air pollution, soil contamination, basically all the "it kills the planet" stuff whitey is blamed for, simply because they breed like flies and cause an overpopulation of the planet. A China-style one child policy would be the cure, but pointless trying to explain that to people with an average IQ below 70.
How about a zero child policy?


EDF2 Survivor
A small minority of niggers are civilized and decent people. About 80% of them get mad real easily , cant take anyone talking back to them and are stupid as fuck. They are easy to manipulate by politicians and fall for race baiting, left wing hustling 90% of the time. Really all u can do is try to be around them less, im glad I work at a fairly white place.


Ancient Eulogist
EDF2 Survivor
A small minority of niggers are civilized and decent people. About 80% of them get mad real easily , cant take anyone talking back to them and are stupid as fuck. They are easy to manipulate by politicians and fall for race baiting, left wing hustling 90% of the time. Really all u can do is try to be around them less, im glad I work at a fairly white place.

It's genetics? I suppose trying to grab a ghetto boy and trying to make him understand why his behavior is bad, would be an exercise in futility, no? Probably get curbstomped for my trouble or something lol.
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