Gavin Newsome? LOL no. After HR1 or something of the like passes, Biden's reanimated corpse will finish Biden's second term. Then it will be Harris, Not sure who would be after that but wouldn't be surprised if Mark Big Kells, Stacy Abrams or AOC take up the third spot.

Newsome is fighting a very real recall that could have him and his cronies removed.
Are you forgetting she dropped out because she had literally no support

You think thats going to suddenly reverse when she spends 4 years doing nothing
After 8 years of Biden/Robo-Biden she'll be a shoo in. Plus, I gather you don't know anything about HR1. That's ok. If HR1 passes the senate, it already passed the House. Harris will be the president no matter how many people turn out to vote. HR1 literally makes voter ID a federal offense, asking for ID is a federal offense, asking for an address is a federal offense, asking for proof of address is a federal offense, striking the voter rolls of dead or inactive voters is a federal offense, same day registration is federally mandated, it makes mass mail voting the law, and so much more.

One person could literally go to each polling place and vote and you couldn't stop them, then they could send in mail in ballots until the deadline after the polls officially close.

America is on the verge of being a totalitarian socialist country.


Stop posting
While she is useless in the House NOW, she is making herself known. Name recognition is literally 75% of the game. And with her big tits and her penchant for screeching that the government should hand out more free stuff, people like what she has to say AS LONG as she doesn't go into the details.

I mean not that long ago people would have laughed at you if you said a doggering old soviet style communist jew would almost win the democratic primary -- twice. But Bernie has real momentum in my country. It's sad.
After 8 years of Biden/Robo-Biden
bidens not running again, nobody thinks biden is running in 2024, including biden

I mean not that long ago people would have laughed at you if you said a doggering old soviet style communist jew would almost win the democratic primary -- twice. But Bernie has real momentum in my country. It's sad.
Bernies politics are very close to my own. hes nowhere near a soviet communist
bidens not running again, nobody thinks biden is running in 2024, including biden
Take a look at his campaign. Take a look at his first 100 days.
Biden hid in the basement. I wouldn't doubt his incessant mask wearing is to ease the transition of a body double. It will keep Harris happy becasue she'll be president for 16 years.
Bernies politics are very close to my own. hes nowhere near a soviet communist
Dude. LOL stop posting.

Remember 1980 was at the height of the cold war. Are you admitting you are a communist kommrad? I see your asian wife has turned you. Good.
Youve been here for about 6 years having the same conversation repeatedly and still dont know what a communist is
Ok. You're an idiot.
Sanders literally wants to take private business over and make it government controlled. That's socialism/communism. Sanders has repeated that numerous times. Do you want the government to run private business and be the only ones that do? Then you are a communist.

We've been over this a thousand times and your, "it doesn't fit neatly into my very specific type or definition of communism/socialism so it's not." (still doesn't wash.)
Ok. You're an idiot.
Sanders literally wants to take private business over and make it government controlled. That's socialism/communism. Sanders has repeated that numerous times. Do you want the government to run private business and be the only ones that do? Then you are a communist.

We've been over this a thousand times and your, "it doesn't fit neatly into my very specific type or definition of communism/socialism so it's not." (still doesn't wash.)
Ok. You're an idiot.
Sanders literally wants to take private business over and make it government controlled. That's socialism/communism. Sanders has repeated that numerous times. Do you want the government to run private business and be the only ones that do? Then you are a communist.
Some business, such as services

Look at what happened in Texas during the winter, people being charged tens of thousands of dollars for power to survive by Private Business. You support that?
but what does that mean?!
That means that Czechoslovak republic was the only truly communist country, from 68 to 87. :D
Take a look at his campaign. Take a look at his first 100 days.
Biden hid in the basement. I wouldn't doubt his incessant mask wearing is to ease the transition of a body double. It will keep Harris happy becasue she'll be president for 16 years.

Dude. LOL stop posting.

Remember 1980 was at the height of the cold war. Are you admitting you are a communist kommrad? I see your asian wife has turned you. Good.
Youve been here for about 6 years having the same conversation repeatedly and still dont know what a communist is
communism is when the government does stuff, and the more stuff it does, the communister it is
Some business, such as services

Look at what happened in Texas during the winter, people being charged tens of thousands of dollars for power to survive by Private Business. You support that?
Your metric as usual is absurd. "Either agree with me and accept this one disastrous outlier as the norm, or you're a heartless corporate raider who punishes it's customers."


Much of the Texas situation was actually created BY the GND pre-initiatives implemented. Going green, remember? The wind turbines froze and failed, and the solar panels were iced up and snow covered. Texas lost over 35% of their generation in a night.

Don't believe me take it from an engineer who blogged this. It's safe to say he knows way more about this situation than you do.

"Texas has a diverse portfolio of power generators. The largest segment of that is natural gas making up about half of the capacity. The second segment is wind turbines at about 30%. The rest of the generation fleet is made up mostly of coal powered plants, nuclear plants, and solar farms."

"Natural gas wells and pipelines are particularly vulnerable to cold temperatures.

"Natural gas wells and pipelines are particularly vulnerable to cold temperatures. Not only does a gas stream contain water vapor that can freeze by itself, that water vapor can also combine with hydrocarbons to create hydrates that solidify at temperatures well above freezing. Combine this with the fact that many roads were completely impassable during the storm, it was nearly impossible for some gas suppliers to keep things flowing. That despite the fact that the wholesale price of natural gas during the storm skyrocketed to more than 100 times its normal price due to the incredible demand, with power plants competing with residential homes that use gas for heat. At that price, suppliers were doing essentially everything in their power to deliver gas to customers, but it just wasn’t enough. Or, in some cases, it was enough, but the generators couldn’t afford to operate their plants with such a high cost for fuel."


The outrageous costs were a result of supply and demand and not to "corporate greed," Mr Bernie bootlicker.
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