Some business, such as services
Look at what happened in Texas during the winter, people being charged tens of thousands of dollars for power to survive by Private Business. You support that?
Your metric as usual is absurd. "Either agree with me and accept this one disastrous outlier as the norm, or you're a heartless corporate raider who punishes it's customers."
Much of the Texas situation was actually created BY the GND pre-initiatives implemented. Going green, remember? The wind turbines froze and failed, and the solar panels were iced up and snow covered. Texas lost over 35% of their generation in a night.
Don't believe me take it from an engineer who blogged this. It's safe to say he knows way more about this situation than you do.
"Texas has a diverse portfolio of power generators. The largest segment of that is natural gas making up about half of the capacity.
The second segment is wind turbines at about 30%. The rest of the generation fleet is made up mostly of coal powered plants, nuclear plants, and solar farms."
This February of 2021, a major winter storm made its way through the U.S. central plains, setting all-time records for low temperatures across the country. One of the biggest impacts of the storm happened here in Texas where people across the state suffered extended outages of electricity and water.
"Natural gas wells and pipelines are particularly vulnerable to cold temperatures.
"Natural gas wells and pipelines are particularly vulnerable to cold temperatures. Not only does a gas stream contain water vapor that can freeze by itself, that water vapor can also combine with hydrocarbons to create hydrates that solidify at temperatures well above freezing. Combine this with the fact that many roads were completely impassable during the storm, it was nearly impossible for some gas suppliers to keep things flowing. That despite the fact that the wholesale price of natural gas during the storm skyrocketed to more than 100 times its normal price due to the incredible demand, with power plants competing with residential homes that use gas for heat. At that price, suppliers were doing essentially everything in their power to deliver gas to customers, but it just wasn’t enough. Or, in some cases, it was enough, but the generators couldn’t afford to operate their plants with such a high cost for fuel."
The outrageous costs were a result of supply and demand and not to "corporate greed," Mr Bernie bootlicker.