I have a box!

*pats it*

It's a magic box... it's filled with dead dreams and lost hopes... you could think of this box as being like... the version of hell for our emotions.

Yes... there is a HELL for your emotional sense of self.

And the trick of it is... it's right here... the box... IT'S INSIDE YOU!


Heh... but don't freak, I mean... I haven't even shown you the rabbit hole yet.

While you live your life... your emotional sense of self is... suffering. Endlessly. But... it needs to. Because without it, without pain, without misery, without hate, without fear... we could never be sentient.

That's why the left is so dangerous. They want to try and dilute the human condition. They want safe spaces, they want a lifetime of coddling, they want someone else to deal with all the hard problems... but in that process... they lose their sentience. It's starts to uh... wear away.

It's like soul rot... they become more like animals every day... because they don't think they deserve to suffer.

And you really do.

All of you.


The sins of your species are what's driving you mad!

You keep doing so much horrific fucking shit and you just don't stop and it's making everybody CRAZY!

You... all of you... for every atrocity, for every brutalization, for every inch of terrorizing yourselves to mental illness... because you HATE yourself... that's why you suffer... because that's the ONLY kind of emotion that can be weaponized... your own... against yourself.

So until you can learn to forgive yourself... for brutalizing yourself... you will never be able to open that box... death hurts... but it's not the end... open the box... at the end... the end of your life on earth will be the start of a new journey beyond... where you will have to live through your soul... the Soulscape... the hyperlight reality that exists beyond ours... intrafinity. Jesus is a compass, but in order to move your "wings"... you will have to do more than just repent. If you don't learn to better yourself, your "wings" will be very "small"... and you will not make it past the accretion disc of the super massive black hole that surrounds our "known" universe... even moving at hyperlight speeds... an inexperienced hyperlightform can easily end themselves. Usually because they can't find an exit vector (no Jesus)... or their "wings" aren't well developed so they don't know how to "move" very well within the nature of that reality... and in turn they burn! :D
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