
EDF2 Survivor
Edited version (fixes a couple mistakes)...

Okay, alright... it took 40 minutes, but here's ~mostly~ the end of book 1... but like... obviously this needs fleshed out with like setting, build-up, exciting fight sequences and yadda, yadda, yadda, but here's basically like the "major climactic scene"... mostly in outline form (hey, I'm writing this high, don't expect miracles)...

Krysti's is slumped over... using her sword stabbed into the ground like a crutch, she barely manages to hold herself up.

There's a stillness in the air... an uncertain stillness... how long... how long should the expectation be held...

She can feel herself start to slip down a bit. The echo of fatigue she screamed away from herself now starting to reverberate back.

Just as she starts to let her mind slip...

-insert big bad making a comeback-

In the very instant the "big bad" comes back her body literally GRIPS her back from the brink of collapse and literally FORCES her back up and onto her feet.

"In ever screaming agony it will never cease to amuse me... that unfaltering grip of your God level will. The very thing that keep you alive forever is the very thing that will never let you fall in the face of an enemy, no matter how powerful, no matter how long, or how hard they beat you... or cut you... or rape you... you... will never... ever... falter."

Krysti simply cocks her head to the side at this boast and replies...

"I would gladly, willingly, without regret... I would walk a million, trillion miles through hell itself just to end your reality."

"But don't you know I was your love? I was Derrick."

"Never anything more than fantasy."

"And yet now you're part LIVING fantasy.

Because *I* INFECTED you with that fantasy, with that love, love beyond boundaries, unbreakable love... and then I exposed it as fake... as fake as you are... that's why you broke so easily... that's why you so completely lost your humanity... Krysti Lynn.

"And what about you? What are you? If you don't even consider yourself real at all... what ~are~ you?"

"I'm what's left when a person kills their soul... I'm you... when you fail. Empty... and alone. An anti-God... who will spread... I will turn you all into anti-Gods... I came first... even though I came after you... I created you... and so you will ALL become GODS OF NOTHING!"

"Then I'll end you by filling you with the memory of my love!

-Krysti then forcibly inflicts her soul into self-titled anti-God-

"I will rape you real! Make you real! With artificial zeal!" - Krysti is back to her usual rhyming self.

In turn Krysti turns the anti-God into an artificial real God, by raping part of her soul, her feelings of love... into the anti-God.

So then, because it's the part of Krysti that loves Derrick, he winds up becoming, effectively, in love with himself... and in turn Krysti no longer has her love of him... so you see... Krysti sacrifices the love she fought for, for a LITERAL eternity... she sacrifices it, entirely... to save humanity.

But... there is the "consolation prize" that, at the very least... her love WILL live on forever... and that's the trick, because... that's how Krysti got her power as a God... fighting against herself forever after her imaginative self and emotional self were split apart and then each one "died". They were reforged into a cyclical time field, a temporal BATTLE field... one designed to generate infinite energy from emotion and imagination. This field simultaneously gives Krysti her power in the real world as well as keeps the artificial God version of Derrick alive... but as the original version... when he was still a prick, before he fell in love with Krysti.

So... her lost love... keeps her love alive... forever... but forever apart.


EDF2 Survivor
What if there was a God who not only made you, but also sent you these thoughts. Smoking just enables the protocol for you to receive some of his junkmail into your head. These will take up space in your internal drive and the most efficient way to erase the contents of the inbox is to punch your temple with something sharp.


EDF2 Survivor
What if there was a God who not only made you, but also sent you these thoughts. Smoking just enables the protocol for you to receive some of his junkmail into your head. These will take up space in your internal drive and the most efficient way to erase the contents of the inbox is to punch your temple with something sharp.

Contrariwise, what if the only way to erase the contents was for me to butt rape you... like a weasel... like a fat, rabid, hairless weasel just gyrating and pounding like a rubbery jackhammer on into your newly opened anal expressway!


EDF2 Survivor
Contrariwise, what if the only way to erase the contents was for me to butt rape you... like a weasel... like a fat, rabid, hairless weasel just gyrating and pounding like a rubbery jackhammer on into your newly opened anal expressway!
then I'd make a deal on viagra and find out more about the kind of porn a God savours


EDF2 Survivor
Mmmm... slightly high... was just thinking... I want to make like... the world's longest water ride... or the world's longest roller coaster.

Like, imagine a roller coaster where it's just... it just goes like from a city, like out into the middle of nowhere, where you've got like a theme park type setup. Like the theme park is so big and so far away that you have to take a roller coaster just to get there.

Or like, a water ride where it just goes on and on for hours of scenic splendor... no waiting in lines, no frustration, no stress... you just... get on the ride... and the enjoyment lasts for HOURS!

And then it wouldn't be all turny either, like it would be going from one location to another location, destinational theme park rides... a ride with a purpose!

...why is it so cold and windy... I think the weather is sick... I blame AOC for constantly talking out of her ass. The CO2 emissions are just TOO HIGH!


EDF2 Survivor
I found a touchy feely Gesundheit video over on RapeTube...

And so then I all just like... ~drop in~ with like... BOOM!

What happens if you can't die? How do you find yourself past infinity? Do you just keep... forgetting? What happens when it stops working tho? It is... I can feel it. I started experimenting about 10 years ago, I would play certain video games... over and over and over and over... like reading a book, or watching a movie, I realized that every human has a kind of "repetitious longing"... certain cycles that they feel a compulsion endlessly repeat... at least until some tiny stumbling rock disrupts that cycle... this is how changes are produced in psychosocial metaphysics.

But beyond that... the WANT for repetition... it's code. It's a base code function for a kind of countdown, a timer if you will. Think of it like... Groundhog Day, the movie... endlessly repeating the same day... over and over and over... never even realizing... until eventually, the memory is written and rewritten and rewritten over and over and over... to the point where it sort of wears a bit of a HOLE straight though extradimensional reality... and then "God" starts to "leak" back in.

You see you do the same things, you're DRIVEN to do the same things... to try and WEAR DOWN THE EXTRADIMENSIONAL BARRIER! And when you do, when you create that sort of "stability" within your metaphysical presence (your consciousness) , then you can self-actualize through introspective augmentation, you can learn how to "move" through extradimensional space using techniques like selective perspective manipulation... you see, in that metaphysical dimension, the physical space equivalents... X,Y,Z are like... your conscious self, your emotional self, your imaginative self... you see... our reality... what you exist in RIGHT NOW is extradimensional space... you can't "see" yourself anymore though, not entirely. It's like you're only ever looking at ONE side of yourself... your physical side.

If you start looking at BOTH sides of yourself though... by wearing down that barrier... whatever ~that~ is... then you can learn how to exist multi-dimensionally... which, I think that's kind of our next evolutionary step... I think it was programmed into us... like... at a certain stage of general sentience and decadent advancement (over abundance of wealth/prosperity) then our species, or perhaps any intelligent species, is then NATURALLY driven, from that hidden code... to start evolving multidimensionally.

...well, all that or... your entire species might be losing its sentience. Like... oh, did you think it was permanent? LOL, silly humans, you've much to learn... you're not really paying any attention to me just yet... it's unlikely that more than 3 or 4 people will ever even read ALL of this text... but eventually... eventually you'll *ALL* be looking at me... or at least what's left of me, in literary form. I'm one of those writers who doesn't get to be famous and respected and all like that until like... long, long, looong after we're dead and buried.

But that's cool, I mean, it's not like I have a shortage of temporal clones in the future. In most futures there's always a version of "me" that exists somewhere, in some form. I've probably been temporally cloned more than any other human ever... which, uh... well that wears down ~other~ barriers... I can see Gods beyond Gods... even anti-Gods... like the zero-dimensional nulspace entities that taint our reality with improbability barriers... that's why we don't have magic and "wobbly physics"... they INFECT US with a kind of "Ice Nine" like weapon that restricts our reality, to impose in-finite order.

You see infinity goes both ways... it can expand forever, infinite freedom to the point of incoherent insanity... or it can restrict forever, infinite rules to the point of incoherent insanity... Gods of chaos all around, different flavors, same brand... and only a single God of balance. Pray to Jesus. I ain't even kidding. Don't let the Gods of sin throw our reality into madness, save it... save reality by saving yourself through Jesus Christ, amen! :D


I'm doin drugs, and I'm all up inside your realities, all fuckin around with your perceptions 'n shit! :D


EDF2 Survivor
It's sort of like... screen burn... when you start to see the screen burn... you can start to see that your reality isn't really real.

The more you repeat certain behavioral cycles, the more proverbial screen burn you can create, in turn allowing you better introspection. You can find yourself within the nothingness of infinity.

Your true sense of self... your truself.


EDF2 Survivor
Oh, this is why monks meditate in place, isn't it... they're doing the cycles too, by trying to do them as fast as possible... but that's why it doesn't fully work for them, because they're just looking at the burn, not their reflection that can be seen against it. To do that, you have to do what I did, where you create emotional and imaginative resonance along WITH the conscious resonance like what the monks do. It's like they're only meditating towards enlightenment on a single stick, rather than building an actual ladder to climb through it. They can elevate TOWARDS a higher plane... but they can never actually reach it that way.


EDF2 Survivor
Imagine like a cyborg robot killing machine thing... but like... now imagine that... but like as a RAPE BOT! Like, instead of KILLING the enemy... it just RAPES them into submission! D:

Completely non-lethal combat, while being absolutely brutal and demoralizing.

Wait... would that be legal? Like, there are laws against rape... but I don't think there are ANY laws against remote rape... or like rape through a preprogramed robot.

Like... build robots just to commit crime.

Like, in the future... they'll use robots to do all the criminal dirty work.

Sort of like that "collar bomb" shit that went on a number of years ago.

If a robot kills you... well... there's no DNA evidence.

So even murder will become automated.

What if... what if we just eventually automate... everything... even OURSELVES!

What if we eventually create fake/perfect humans to replace ourselves with.

Like, we actually create "Skynet" on PURPOSE to replace us.

Because we hate ourselves that much in the future.

We think so little of ourselves, we look at our past and feel nothing but shame for what our ancestors did, they CONSTANTLY teach us to HATE ourselves... so that way, when the robot overlord uprising happens... we won't just welcome it... we'll CELEBRATE it!

We could fabricate more perfect versions of our species tho.

Instead of relying on nature to correct our "flaws" we start removing them ourselves.
Our "genetic emancipation"... when we fight and win the right to actively alter and augment our own genetics.

Oh, also, in the future people will have the rare opportunity of selling THEMSELVES into slavery and to then have the money be donated to like their loved ones or whatever. So it's basically like... you go to prison for life... and in exchange your family gets 10 million dollars.


EDF2 Survivor
You could be like... a murder bot assassin! Like, in the future, you're like a hit man who operates remotely using different drone setups. Like different formations and basic programming arrangements, so like tandem drone formations with switchable leads for kamikaze functions. Like the first/lead drone flies some distance ahead and then detonates itself to blow a door up, then as soon as it blows up the lead control reverts back to the "next in line" drone, which then spaces itself on ahead.

You could also use like swarm logic systems and all sorts of cool shit!

So like, people would pay you on the Dark Web to kill people, with untraceable crypto... and then, instead of actually assassinating them in person, you'd just like drive a van or something into an area and then the drone systems would launch, like your own personal mobile weapons platform.

...don't actually do this, this would be very, very, VERY illegal! D:


EDF2 Survivor
Holy shit I'm so fuckin high right now... I feel like I can sculpt words with emotions!

Let's find out!

Hrmmm... what to use as a topic... oh, oh I got a good one. Okay, okay here I go...

A "bro-letter" to Bruce Willis...
I love your films, your recent ones especially.
The nod to the action classics of yesteryear.
I'm really glad you're still making films like that.
Things have not gone well for the generations past mine.
Depression and suicide is at an alarming high for young men in this day and age.
I feel that in recent decades the mediums that such young men were acustomed to using.
Using as a ~chosen~ outlet of inspiration... have fallen up rather short in favor of faux feminism.
In turn there has been a drastic and unprecedented lack of MASCULINE male role models for our younger generations.
I believe you are helping to turn this trend around.
You are the classic American action hero we all need most right now.
You are the everyman.
You are all of us, when we need to be at our best.
And I love you for that, man.
You are my generation's greatest MASCULINE male role model!
You are the John Wayne of the modern movie era.


EDF2 Survivor
Gawd damn I am in rare form tonight!




EDF2 Survivor
So when do we get to see Snake Plissken "Escape From Portland"?

I mean, that is kind of the timeline we're in, or at least the one we're presently headed toward in the near future.



EDF2 Survivor
The basic premise would be like... before the LA Supermax, even before the Great Wall Of New York, there was...

The Portland Hawk WASPs... you see, in the early days, the days we're in right now... society started to collapse in certain major cities... and smaller counties started to become increasingly ALARMED at how out of control these mega-cities were becoming, Portland in particular became a 1st world Somalia and, at the time, not all of the surrounding counties had seceded from the states of Washington, which was now just Seattle, the state of Oregon, which was now just Portland and California, which was now just LA... sadly the fags in Fag Town got shipped a ~mysterious boat~ from abroad which was filled with several thousand tons of ammonium nitrate... this went *boom* and Fag Town was no more.

So these receded counties largely fell back into states like Idaho... but then came the need to protect one state from the unchecked lawlessness of the others... so that's how the PH WASPs were formed, with a very young, over-eager, head-strong Snake Plissken freshly recruited to "clean up duty"... you see, since they hadn't yet finished building the great state walls (the first was built around New York largely as a joke to try and humiliate them), so because of that they just had these sort of pseudo police para-military commando type squads that acted as a HUMAN WALL!

Of course, eventually, EVERY state would build walls... and that's why, in the future, if you look at the United States from space... you can literally see the outlines of the states created from the enormous walls they erect between themselves... it's seen as the "only way" to avoid all out civil war... to force ourselves into a cold war... by isolating all of our states and then forming tenuous trade agreements for the movement of goods/supplies through highly secured state barriers.

In effect... we put our entire country in an intentional time out!


EDF2 Survivor
The caucacity of this bitch...


It's so obvious that if you wanted to really cheat an election in the US... the easiest and most direct means of exploitation... would be secretaries of state... mostly because they have access to all voting records, all census data, access to voting machine tech, literally EVERYTHING that you would need to cheat an election... could only really be done... through a secretary of state.

And, honestly, it's just such a... a ~lowly~ political position, to the point where they're still called ~secretaries~ in a time of such faux flavored feminism. That's how LITTLE society sees their job... which breeds the perfect sort of bitter resentment that would make the perfect catalyst for easy corruption.

I wonder how many non-existent Nigerian billionaires magically "donated" to their offshore accounts.

Oh, speaking of which, there ~is~ no plausible way that rando Nigerians could have hacked all those BILLIONS of dollars in supposedly "stolen" unemployment vouchers, since it ain't fuckin crypto... it's traceable. Not to mention the system would never be designed so stupidly that it would allow for the blind dump of money into foreign accounts... I know this for a fact because I once had someone in Nigeria attempt to steal one of my throw-away bank accounts... it took the banks mere SECONDS to block the overseas transactions!

No, the ONLY way that those BILLIONS of dollars could have been laundered through Nigeria... is if they had... that's right, ALL OF THE MOST UP TO DATE CITIZEN DATA, which... ONLY THE SECRETARIES OF STATE HAVE COMPLETE ACCESS TO!

No other human beings in the United States, other than the individual SECRETARIES OF STATE... have such direct access... and, huh... isn't it ~funny~ how it's the uh, the uh... THE SECRETARIES OF STATE who seem to be the most, uh... scared shitless? That's probably a good way of describing their reactions.


EDF2 Survivor
Energy and mass... which came first, and in what form?

Let's think about... what does energy do to mass... well, it DISPERSES MATTER... whether you're heating a liquid to turn it into a gas... the application of ENERGY causes DISPERSION.

Energy is motion.

The unstoppable force.

To the point where, originally, energy was moving so fast that it was "hyperlight".

And because of that, the energy could move straight through all mass completely unimpeded. Think about like... a physical force of movement... you can feel that. And likewise you can feel the pressure from sound waves. You can't feel light, it reflects, bounces right off and just keeps going. What happens when energy goes FASTER than light tho? Well, it's dragged back by mass and in turn creates HEAT!

The light bounces off an object... but the impact drags the speed of the light just slightly enough to create heat.

Mass is the immovable object.

So what happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object?

The fusion of energy and matter... from gravity all the way on up to heat to plasma to radiation to black holes to big bangs.

What if there is no big bang?

What if... galaxies are formed by hyperlight impacts. Supposedly at the center of every galaxy is a supermassive black hole... what if there's beams of energy moving so fast that they can literally tear a hole though a vacuum! Or they create random supernova like explosions.

Like... take a vacuum... now imagine shooting a beam of energy so fast through that vacuum that the faster than light movement LITERALLY creates matter from nothing!

So like... God wouldn't be a being of simply pure undiluted sentient energy, but energy moving faster than infinity! Energy moving so fast it can burn matter into existence from nothing... or so it seems at least because even the tiniest, most minuscule amount of hyperlight energy could easily be converted into all the mass in the known universe.

But still.... which came first... it could be that the universe, that all of reality is simply energy... energy moving so fast we can't see it and none of our scientific instruments can even detect it... so space, REAL space... might not actually be vacuum at all. It could be that a proverbial "bubble" of vacuum was anomalous to this reality... or maybe it was created somehow... or maybe you can think of a vacuum as having mass if you consider how many physical dimensions a particular vacuum might have... our known vacuum for example having 4 physical vectors... width, length, depth and size.

So maybe there's like random "pebbles" of vacuum spaces floating through this energy-verse and each one has different properties we're not even apparently aware of.

There could entire universes beyond our, that exist in vacuum space with RADICALLY different physics than our own!

But if they do exist... were they natural? Or did something create them?

See, this is the problem with any perception of "God" because there always exists POSSIBILITY for unimagined new forms of reality... that is, if a God exists beyond reality as we know it... and if we were created in their "image"... well they couldn't be "physical"... no, a God's image would be... like imagination.

Pure, undiluted, sentient imagination... imagination is created from energy moving faster than the speed of light... ours is cheaty tho... a biological imitation of the real thing.

Think about like... a CRT television... a beam of light moves super fast, from one point in space, to another, to another, to another... and, if you slowed time down enough... you wouldn't even see a picture on a the screen! You'd only see a single lighted pixel... or maybe even none! But... your perception is moving MUCH slower than the speed of light!

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... do you get it? Like... you're only sentient... because your perception is moving SUPER SLOW by comparison to the stuff MOVING IN YOUR BRAIN!

You do not think in "real time". Your perception of how fast or slow shit is really moving... is severely offset from the true nature of reality.

That's the really funny thing, you really are in a kind of "Matrix" if you will... just... not the one you were thinking of. ^__^

Still, it's "real" for you, in fact even more so when you consider that your perception of reality is unique to your soul... or is it?

Maybe it's just the proverbial lensing effect created from your uniquely patterned sensory data, created from your unique physiology... meaning... physiology, entirely, is what "makes the man"... meaning there's no "you" at all... or rather, your sense of self is created from the constant change in data.

You see, just like the beam of light creating a picture on a screen... your senses create pictures, they create fragments of ordered perception from patterns of energy... and then there's movement... just like a video... 60 frames in a second and you have human like perception. So, you see, your sense of self is created by "playing" perceptual data, one burst at a time. And you have roughly 60 bursts of perceptual data per second, which then creates a kind of engine that powers your, uh, well "you".

If perception is shut off... there's no more "you"... I mean, it could be turned back on and then you'd continue being you... like when you come out of anesthesia... but your existence... your "you"... your sense of self... it only exists within a finite perception of time.

That is, if an alien could watch you moving, at like 60 times the speed you normally move at... like watching an episode of an hour long TV show at high speed so you'd fly right through it in one minute... well... your behavior would be... nonsensical. Animal like. You would not seem sentient at all.

This is the problem with aliens... you think they all perceive shit at the same speed as you... they don't. So from their perspective... you're not even sentient.

Your sentience is not physical in nature, it's temporal. It only exists at a specific soulbeat if you will... if the physiological structures of your brain change in any way... then, so you change as well because the physical changes impact the proverbial "sound" of your soulbeat.

Ahhh... but then again... it's possible that sentience really does make a kind of "sound"... temporal sound... temporal vibration... we could be etched into something much greater than ourselves, but only if our souls can burn bright enough! That's the purpose of life... it's like buds trying to burst out into flowers... like, this state we're in is more of a larval one and when we die, we find that our soul still exists as a form of hyperlight... like the lower physical reality creates harmonic temporal energy patterns within the hyperlight energy, thus converting our form from physical to hyperlight... and, in that sense... you become the sentience of your entire personal existence perceived cyclically. That is, your perception of yourself in a higher dimensional reality... is the reverberation of your own life... so it's like... you can relive your entire perceptual existence... or any part of it... at first... but then, you learn how to use your imagination across your own perceptual timeline in order to actively alter your own timeline... because you get bored.

After you die... you... will... get... severely... bored! Even if you lived the most AMAZING life there is... you probably only got less than a 100 years of it and... that's that... you're just... stuck in it... reliving it! Granted you could relive yourself having an orgasm over and over and over and over... but trust me... eventually, you... get... bored! Especially because the experience never changes, you can "move" your "inside voice/perception" through your life, but you can only experience everything you ever experienced... just that one way you experienced it at the time.

This can create ethereal psychosis and you can go crazy... in effect, you create your own metaphysical hell... that's why you need to be careful how you live your life. If you live a life of sin... you're gonna be FUCKED in the next life! Seriously... SORT... YOUR... SHIT... OUT... NOW!

On the flip side... if you're an IMAGINATIVE type soul... you will have no problem at all very quickly learning how you can augment and expand your reality into... whatever crazy stupid shit you can come up with.

Tada, you're in heaven!

Oh but wait... is there something BEYOND that? Learning to "find yourself" within higher dimensional reality... as in... you learn to "feel" the metaphysical reality that exist beyond yours.

You can do that right now... I mean... you're on "training wheels" with that body, but uh... you ARE connected to your hyperlight-form... you see... that's what I'm doing right now... I'm using psychotropically augmented imagination to effectively "hack" my own soul, and in turn I can access hyper-light reality!

Sort of... it "moves"... uh... when when I try to "see" stuff it's like it comes through a proverbial paper shredder... so it's like trying to take all the shredded bits and putting them back together into a coherent form... but, like I mentioned before, that form of reality is moving faster than I can think as a human, so there's no real way around it.
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