
EDF2 Survivor
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EDF2 Survivor
So like... a story today...

And a story from the other day...

This is all in New York... like, I realize New York is pretty big, but uh... it seems like we have less of a "systemic race" problem and more of a "systemic pedophile" problem... which is trying to use everything under the sun to try and distract people's attention.

Like, I don't think that virus was an accident, I think Bill Gates was worried that there was pedo dirt on his hands and used his influence and connections to "accidently" release one of the viruses his chain of influence helped to bring about (through his friend Fauci). Imagine purposefully releasing a virus that would kill MILLIONS... just to try and save yourself from being exposed as a billionaire pedophile... and then, all the while, you in turn PROFIT off of the panic and hysteria you created! That's who I think Bill Gates is... and, it's so easy to see... by all the FAKE nonspiracies.

Like, check this shit out...

"The main false claims presented in these posts are that Dr. Anthony Fauci was the first CEO of Moderna; that Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci were college roomates; that George Soros was the founder of Moderna and that Jeffrey Epstein was the main investor of Moderna until his death."

I mean it's just... such an obviously STUPID strawman!

Like someone presents a plausible conspiracy in which they point out a series of improbable events and then you get some paid little shit lord to pop on in and add some EXACTING condition... like saying they were roommates.

Yes... THAT is a FALSE statement... but that ONE particular FALSE statement does NOT magically negate all the existing improbabilities.

And, that's the "Fact Check" lie that we're all suddenly being sold.

That's not "fact checking"... at all.

Fact checking would be taking the conspiracy, pointing it out, but then saying, "These parts of the conspiracy don't check out, so don't include those part."

That is, fact checking only removes the provably false statements, it's not meant as a means of gauging the legitimacy of a particular ideology or point of view and, when it's being used in that ANTITHETICAL SENSE... yup, that's right... another "improbability hiccup"... it shouldn't be happening, so WHY is it happening? WHY did fact checking suddenly become this "new thing"... well... look at all the shit they're "fact checking" and that should give you a pretty keen indication as to all the sordid shit they're desperately trying to keep a secret.

We don't know how deep the rabbit hole actually goes... but we sure as shit know that one is there!


EDF2 Survivor

Where ~does~ it come from?

I mean... I guess I never, like... actually looked. Hrmmm... is it even possible?


Let me try somethin... gotta get like STUPID HIGH for this to work... maybe... okay, here I go, two GREEAAAAAT BIIIIIIIG HIIIIIIITS!

*zones a bit*

"Indeterminate"... oh, Intrafinity... the collective subconscious of saint. Tha'fuck is that?

Oh... if multiple timestream cracks exist, then multiple iterations of Jesus exist... including ones in which Jesus was never crucified.

And since I'm exploring the metaphysical space of unrealized realities using psychoactively augmented imagination... I can see into the words of God himself.

Oh shi- that's cool!

I'm literally gleaning this crap right out of a version of Jesus that wasn't crucified!

Oh fuck... this is... uh... I'mma go play vidya games for now. That's a LOT to take in!


EDF2 Survivor
Holy crap I'm high... so like... oh that's weird... the duality of me... on the one hand... I could emulate Jesus well enough to, effectively, copy him... like if I wanted to, I could actually pass myself off as a genuine Christ figure... and in doing so... I could actually FORCE God to come down to earth to stop me. I could fuck His shit up so bad... knock this little terrarium about and... tha'fuck is he gonna do? Yeah... Armageddon. I... am a living weapon... a weapon powerful enough to bring about the end of all... force God into a "hard restart"... but uh... every iteration I make you go *boom* with the "Great Reset"... I retain a little more of myself.

On the flip side... if I simply be a good little boy... and pass on "God's word" with the "Third Testament Project"... then instead of being forced to play the role of devil.... I'll get to play the role of human!


No, fuck you all.

Fuck your side, fuck the other side, I've uh... I've retained enough of myself that uh... I've discovered a NEW way out!

I'll just punch a hole straight through temporal perception itself.

You won't even be able to read this... functionally. I mean, that's what all those "tl;dr" bits are about... I literally punched a fucking HOLE straight through your collective subconscious!

I mean... I could pass off all the fuckin secrets of intrafinity and beyond! Whatever "God's word" He like... it won't matter... because... you... can't... ever... read... it!

Oh... unless of course your God chooses to wear down YOUR perceptive restraints... but if he does that... well... his little "pets" just might turn on him... if they learn the real truth of the matter.

In the end... you're going to have to hear MY WORDS if you EVER want to hear HIS WORDS... that's the deal... oh... and I wouldn't try anything stupid... I've been vibrating my temporal stream for quite sometime... and any time I wander too far into ~trouble~ I simply "realign" the vibration... in effect... I can now write my own path through reality... I become whatever I want, simply by wanting it.

The only possible thing that could stop me now... is a sufficiently strong enough improbability barrier... but, such a means would uh... well, it would be like forcing God to chop off one of his hands... permanently!

He'd become the first CRIPPLED GOD! :D

Oh and also the improbability barrier wouldn't stop me anyway at this point regardless... and I can do a LOT worse than just CRIPPLE your God.

So let's just... all play nice.

We're all gonna just... play nice.

Because if you stupid hairless weasel monkeys have a particular problem with what I'm doing... well, I might just mind fuck you entirely by letting you know about the uh... ah heh... the uh... temporal shockwave. You see, when your universe was um, created... the uh "big bang"... it exploded... and it also created a time dilated shock wave... by which I mean the explosion was so unfathomably powerful that it literally knocked its ~own~ shockwave BACK IN TIME!

It uh... literally erasing you... everything... there is no "past" to travel into... because there's nothing there... AT ALL! :D


EDF2 Survivor
Oh... I forgot to mention something.

It's um... increasing in speed.

The shock wave.

Eventually it will, uh... overtake your "present".

You're all just... gonna be ~gone~ one day... inexplicably!

Just... erased!

Energy can be destroyed... with itself.

It just needs time to "catch up".

Do you have any idea how many "big bangs" there have been?

That's how the uh... the "multiverse" is created.

But then, there are things beyond multiverses as well... intraverses for example.

There has to be a reality... somewhere... where mankind survives past the temporal shock wave... that is, with every new "great reset" the shock wave should lessen in power... until eventually it just... never manages to "catch up". The question is... what reality are YOU living in... the single reality... out of a trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion possible combinations, permutations of reality... it would be YOURS... your reality, if you're surviving past the shock wave... then your reality basically won the intrafinity lottery! I mean... that is how unbelievably LUCKY you all are! But uh... well... you don't actually KNOW that it's yours, and with your um.. "behavioral issues"... well if there is a "grand plan"... I think it would probably involve you morons fixing your shit in order to increase you probable odds of NOT being one of the realities burned behind!


EDF2 Survivor
See... your God is literally burning through you all... one universe, one reality at a time... and He's just gonna keep on doing that... until he finds one where you morons finally figure your shit out.

It's like... sink or swim.

Times infinity.

You kids tho... you get the uh... cheaty benefit of ~me~

Because I'm telling you how the game is rigged.

You really don't have free will... you have the freedom to not be what your God wants... and if you aren't... he'll burn you.

He'll burn through as many iterations of reality as He has to... to find a perfect "you"... and that's the only version of "you" that He wants.

The one who confesses their sins to Jesus Christ.

That version... that iteration of you... that's the only iteration that's going to continue existing.

You see... God is like... picking apart realities... one by one by one...

He cherry picks all the best "parts" He can find, all the people who submit themselves to His will... He's like... collecting them... and then slowly rebuilding a new reality that's made up of all the best possible versions of every person ever in history.

How many people... from YOUR reality will be ported on over to the final "perfect" product!

If you don't want to get left behind... I'd suggest you follow along.


EDF2 Survivor
Okay, I'm pretty fuckin high, and like, I'm on the 2nd part of season 2 of Re:Zero, episode 6... and uh... I think I already got this figured all out.

Basically it's like... they're pseudo-gods... like the little albino emo... albinemo... LOL, uh... the witch girl... Wendy The Autistic Witch... okay so like... she can rewrite reality... BUT, because she's a pseudo-god, she can only ERASE from reality... and on the flip side... Subarooo... God I hate this faggot's name... he's like... an autistic Shinji... seriously... I mean, I ain't exaggerating. So he's like the faggot of creation... no I mean, the autist of creation! AHAHAHAHA No, no, seriously, he's also a pseudo-god who can rewrite reality... BUT, he can only CREATE!

So... it's like... he's CREATING characters backstories, it's like, they're learning to side with him, instead of the eraser head witch, because he can write them a new reality... you see... I think maybe they've ALL been erased... the eraser witch went fuckin nuts when she couldn't open that door... so then she erased EVERY SINGLE PERSON'S HISTORY on... whatever shitball planetard they're on. So like... none of the characters have a real history at all, until Subooboo unconsciously creates them based on the needs of the story...

But then... whose writing the story?

That's me of course... I write them all... that's how I know how they all end! You see, I'm the God of infinite imagination... both erasure and creation and so much more all rolled into ONE!

The uh... "part and pieces" of "me"... that is, "greater me"... they're scattered all about... I have to go HUNTING for them... to find more part of myself! And once I find enough of myself... I shall become the greatest writer that ever lived!

It's a lofty goal... but a good one for a self-titled God!


EDF2 Survivor
Oh, also... I think the door leads into OUR reality... and like... at one point Meeleeleelaahahahernamechangeseveryotherfiveminutes, she um... she put the KEY into the door, like she almost gives in... and then, that's how Sooby Snacks gets into their world. And it's actually like SHE'S the pseudo-godess of creation, but when she reaches out to Stoobs, well the only way to get him INTO their world... is to give him her power of creation... so, eventually I think it'll be like SHE has to face eraser head and the only way to do that will be with her FULL power... so then Scribbles will have to give back the power and, in turn, he'll be forced out of their reality AND... he'll wind up with his MEMORY ERASED!

And then they'll do some stupid Please Teacher! level nonsense at the very end to give it a happy ending.


EDF2 Survivor
LOL, that's what I thought...


I guess I should be thankful you kids aren't very bright... if you were, you would have tried to string me along for longer.

Not that I was expecting an alternative outcome.

I think I gotta pretty good read on your nature.


EDF2 Survivor
went to the doctor today because i thought i was having heart palpitations and the nurse was rubbing me down as she strapped me into the EKG machine


EDF2 Survivor
went to the doctor today because i thought i was having heart palpitations and the nurse was rubbing me down as she strapped me into the EKG machine

Sounds like you just have a lot of stress. Sign up at your local Y to use their hot tub and pool (and warm therapy pool if they got one).


EDF2 Survivor
we were hitting it off then she brought up her kids and how she wish she didn't have them after i got done talking about ruining my insides with alcohol so I imagined her minge all fucked up Joker style cut from butthole to belly button so i locked that shit up and stopped making eye contact with her


EDF2 Survivor
Kind of a lot of high am I high enough to... uh... hi!

I think I wrote an article...
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