@Maysam @hypeshot
No, the Jew is a verified natural critter of the parasitic persuasion.
Pay no mind to "right wingers" or alternative Marxists who say politicians are satanists or consuming children's livers or whatever. That's misdirection.
Also, pay no mind to people who discuss mirages such as the "deep state," "Big Pharma" or "lobbies."
There is no deep state. There is only the property owners and you.
The POTUS and the US Congress can put you in reservations, lock you down, inject you to death, extract all your blood and energy and send it away or consume it themselves. They can do all this to every member of the "deep state." They own every Marxist state operative all the way down the line.
It's all in the hands of the property owner. You are in their hands too.
The "deep state," "Big Pharma" and lobbies are hard to kill. Where are they located? Who are they? Are you sure?
No, it's very ineffective, and that was the point of the misdirection.
The US Congress and the executive branch is easily located. Kill 'em all.
Then annihilate the Marxist state apparatus beneath, including the every member of the "deep state", "Big Pharma" and lobbies.
It's much tougher to kill a demon than it is to kill a parasite of flesh and blood.
Can someone put a 30 minutes per post limit on this guy