
EDF2 Survivor
Lol Anal Cunt is pure grindcore. Little metal elements.

I don't give a fuck about the 578 genders of angry music played mainly with electric guitar... for me, it's all "heavy metal" since Sabbath (well, maybe I separate all punk&like, but that's it)

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EDF2 Survivor
Fake and gay. Grindcore is a punk subgenre first and formost.

Ur mom is fake and gay

Also: bollocks.

For example, I perfectly remember Reek of Putrefaction or even Symphonies of Sickness coming definitely from the metal circus, Carcass had basically zero punk affiliation and quite the heavy metal one... and those were definitely Grindcore (the first I heard, back in 89, btw... made quite the impression in my young, tender self)


Man, back in my time, the FBI blokes were somewhat educated and slick... what happened??? I guess the NSA took all the kool kids and the moneys


Will snitch on you.
EDF2 Survivor
For example, I perfectly remember Reek of Putrefaction or even Symphonies of Sickness coming definitely from the metal circus, Carcass had basically zero punk affiliation and quite the heavy metal one... and those were definitely Grindcore (the first I heard, back in 89, btw... made quite the impression in my young, tender self)
Some grindcore (and all of the other -core genres) can be real metal, but 90% of them are not because the metal elements are usually shallow. Most of them have little or no metal riffs at all, which is the crux of the matter with Anal Cunt.


EDF2 Survivor
I'm gonna share with u cunts a fellow countryman that plays the drums while absolutely stoned... he deserves some love, he's kinda awesome

A cover of Dream Theater but with a single pedal, in a 3 piece kit... he simulates the 2º bass pedal with the floor tom, tricky af

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