What are you drinking

You dont get diabetes that quickly
Correct. You get diabetes by consistently consuming large quantities of sugar in your diet. And once you get it, there is no cure. You will have to take injections for the rest of your life.

And down the line, all people with diabetes end up having circulatory problems where they often have to have appendages such as toes and feet and fingers amputated.

Due to your history of sugar consumption, my guess is that you don’t have much time before you develop full blown diabetes. Perhaps it’s already too late, but there’s a chance you could avoid it if you immediately make dietary changes. You would need to stop consuming anything that has sugar in it. It can be done.
Correct. You get diabetes by consistently consuming large quantities of sugar in your diet. And once you get it, there is no cure. You will have to take injections for the rest of your life.

And down the line, all people with diabetes end up having circulatory problems where they often have to have appendages such as toes and feet and fingers amputated.

Due to your history of sugar consumption, my guess is that you don’t have much time before you develop full blown diabetes. Perhaps it’s already too late, but there’s a chance you could avoid it if you immediately make dietary changes. You would need to stop consuming anything that has sugar in it. It can be done.
I dont eat just sugary stuff, ill also eat food like meat or fruit
It’s the amount of sugar you consume that is the problem. Your body is not meant to absorb that much sugar and it will eventually stop working properly.

Trust me, you really don’t want to develop diabetes. It will absolutely ruin your quality of life.
Well it gets pissed and shitted out anyway
Well it gets pissed and shitted out anyway
Not really. If that was correct, diabetes would be an extremely rare disease.

Remember, for most of human history, people rarely ate sweet stuff except for fruits (healthy sweet stuff) and sometimes honey (healthy in low doses). Sugarcane and sugar beets are where we get our white sugar and that didn’t happen in large quantities until the 18th century.

The human body is not designed to properly process a high intake of sugar. Except in small quantities, sugar is essentially a poison when consumed. It is super bad for your health. It’s also terrible for your teeth. Bacteria feeds on the sugar in your mouth and releases acids that drill holes in your tooth enamel which results in cavities and rotting teeth.
The choices you make now will determine if you develop diabetes….and get to keep your toes, feet, fingers, and lower legs.
My grandpa has diabetes and he got to keep his toes, feet, fingers, and lower legs, im not gonna get diabetes in my lifetime because i try to eat a balanced diet
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