What do you do...?

I´m pleased to see that tech jobs are the clear winnar.

I´m also pleased to see we are 4 (?) krauts here. We should form a minority gang and demand speshul rights like universal healthcare and subsidized booze.

Krauts and Aussie dominate.

Curious, moogs, you, and maysam. Who is the fourth kraut?
This is my DNA profile:

As you can see, 1% Africanus. So I get an N-word pass.

But not really, turns out these DNA jackasses but 1% Africa on everybody. You can be the Queen of England and have it.
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I had a look at the heritage site, but when I saw they were from Tel Aviv I was like nah...

Probably want your DNA to link you to some WWII commandant and blackmail you.

With Jews, you lose.
One surprise is I am less Polish then I thought and more English.

But then again I was told that my Polish great grandfather actually was half Austrian and spoke low-german (I only heard him speak Polish/English though).
not me, im too white even for that

Trust me, every white person I know that's taken it they slap a 1% out-of-Africa DNA result. I assume you'd come out English, maybe Irish. Could have some Anglo viking DNA too.
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