What porn do you retards jerk off to?

Do it, man, DO IT FOR CHRIS CHAN!!!!
What the fuck are you thinking!?
Marv Cuntberg drove his Tesla Model 3 through the Lincoln Tunnel and merged into the eastbound traffic on W42nd St. He had to muscle his way in front of a MT bus cutting it off and getting the finger and horn blast from the morbidly obese sheboon nigger bus driver. Marv mumbled to himself, "fuckin schwartza!" as he made a quick right turn onto 10th Ave. That brought him to a red stoplight on 41st. No sooner did Marv's car come to a stop when the driver's side window exploded inward and a large bluegum nigger fresh out of Rikers started beating Marv in the face with a tire iron.

The three scantily clad and diseased-looking streetwalkers at the corner of that intersection had a ringside seat to Marv's brutal beating. Startled at first by the loud whack of the car window breaking, then when they realized it was just a garden variety beat down of a cracker, they loudly began to shout unintelligible ebonics words of encouragement to the savage nigger now in the animalistic throes of bloodthirsty mayhem as Marv's skull was crushed and battered into a flat crimson blob of glop. The musclebound ape from 15 years of relentless prison weightlifting had little trouble pulling Marv's lifeless body out through the car window and dragging him into the trash-strewn alley next to a boarded-up abandoned flophouse. There amongst the filth and trash, with a few mangy rats watching, the nigger violently sodomized the already dead jew.

NYPD officers, Hector Perez and Agnes Rivera were one block away sitting in their squad car as they watched this horrific crime unfold. A discrete glance at each other, then Perez slowly drove around the corner out of sight of the crime scene and said to his partner, "I got a 2-for-one coupon at Blimpie's, you hungry?" She nodded, yes.

Meanwhile behind the closed newsstand on the opposite corner, a filthy ragged 40-something Clarence Jenkins, still wearing his plastic Bellview hospital bracelet, loudly argued with Jesus that it wasn't his fault, and that he would be a good soldier only if the gate would open and his legs worked again and his teeth grew back. A pudgy Puerto Rican bypasser on an electric scooter wearing garish gang tats on his face barked at him, "Will you shut the fuck up!". Clarence took this to be a sign, and he went into a catatonic state staring fixated at a crack in the sidewalk.

Rats, roaches, bed bugs and pigeons are the only other living things in the city. All scavengers, just like the mouth breathing humans who operate solely on primitive instinct and base motive. It's dog eat dog here. Survival of not necessarily the fittest, but of the sneakiest and the most heartless. Fighting over crumbs to sustain a miserable pathetic existence while at the same time imagining oneself to be God's chosen. Yes, we're referring to those hooknosed bastards. They proudly reign over their various cesspools and the troglodyte goyem subjects they routinely buttfuck. NYC is the quintessential shithole. A jewish paradise. Look at it long enough, and see hell on earth.

In a urine-soaked alleyway, Eric Thomlin, a 30-something from Harrison New Jersey sits on the ground leaning on an overflowing trash dumpster. With eyes sunken back in their sockets and slack-jawed he pulls at the scabs on his emaciated arm. Eric is a hopeless degenerate fenytal addict. He has burnt every bridge and it's only a matter of a few days before the meat wagon picks up his cold stiff corpse to be added to the landfill of Potter's Field. A place where future archeologists will marvel at the colossal mountain of death remains of the unloved. New York City has always been known as a meat grinder, however since this first quarter of this century the death rate has taken a quantum leap spike that rivals the wholesale slaughter of the Holodomor of Eastern Europe of the 1930s. Certain areas of the city smell like a mortuary only when they don't smell like the rancid and decaying contents of the trash cans out behind every fashionable restaurant. Many obese people lumber past Eric and ignore his dirty cardboard sign crudely scribbled with a plea for help.
Every species of living organism rearranges it's environment to suit it's lifestyle. And NYC is a wholly jewish construct.
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