When MOAR Middle East War Peens? Soon.

KoolAid boy, remember the US had a change in administration and things immediately began falling apart?
You mean the illegal occupations, heroin trafficking and regular war crimes

you mean how Powell and Cheney collaborated with the CIA to fabricate evidence and intel in order to carry out said illegal occupations and war crimes

Yeah the Bush administration was great. I can see why you are still supporting it after all these facts are now common knowledge
You believe the official 9/11 story in 2020 and thats pretty much all anyone needs to know about you when it comes to government bootlicking
The data is still incomplete.
But here's what we know for sure.

The subject Hussain is known for destroying evidence and delaying UN inspection teams so he has time to destroy and or relocate evidence. It's been documented.

Though some flights that were told of carrying wealth and WMDs did not exist, it did not explain the numerous one way flights to Syria several months before the war.

Iraq is missing several billion dollars of precious metals, foreign currency and USD from the Iraqi Central Bank. These monies have not been recovered.

Syria is where Saddam's daughter currently resides and is every much capable in resurrecting her dynasty: she is reported to have vast sums of money (100's of millions perhaps closer to one billion), high born (family) support and a proven reputation of being absolutely ruthless.

Iraq was assembling the same sort of collection of things that Iran WAS found to be accumulating, and now Iran is capable of refining fissionable material to weapons grade.

At the conclusion of Bush 43 term, there was the first open election held since Saddam took power. 1965(?) (63?) It included the Kurds and other minority groups of Iraq. The first order of business was how the oil revenues were to be split up amongst the people of Iraq. This political effort was shattered by Obunghole's announcement of withdrawal and ignoring reports that Iranian military personnel were flooding the country of Iraq in the form of military advisors and fighting men.

This upset the unification of Iraq and directly placed pressure on the Kurds. The Kurds now isolated and largely abandoned by Obunghole are left to their own resources as they are attacked by the Turkish, Syrian and pro-Iranian forces. Iraq sees a second wave of fighters under the banner of ISIS or ISIL or whatever Obunghole was calling them that particular day and the country collapses.

If you have another narrative then do share. But this is what happened.
even the most delusional MAGAtards dont like Bush much

at the very least, they try to not bring it up
Bush 43 wasn't my fav that's for sure, and neither is Trump. But given the same choice and knowing the outcome, I wouldn't change my choice. The other option was just not an acceptable choice.
Because with 911 and the Imans now saying it is permissible to travel outside of "traditional" islamic land, they're gonna come here and fuck things up. It was bad enough when Obunghole imported 1 million refugees into America. It' will get worse when Iran is capable to flex conventional arms backed with their "peaceful purposes" nuclear technology.

They also have been ramping up refinement since May.

Typical 2 dimensional viewpoint.
When Iranians took over the US embassy and killed two State Department employees and wounded 7 others, was it in retaliation for the "evils" of Israel?" Or were these turds making a political statement?

The UK and USA helped keep Iran, basically a cesspool of retards that wanted to return to the heyday of the 7th century, normal. Remember the Shaw? Who ousted the Shaw? Who was it backed by? What superpower? I'm stunned that you don't truly understand the concept of proxy conflict.
This is Iran in 1970.

The consequence is Israel may will suffer more attacks. Which means more unrest. Pulling out and not clipping Iran's military wings means the area is now very close to what the Rashidun Caliphate encompassed. Which sparked the beginning of the Barbary States. We are witnessing the literal repeat of history.

I, for one don't care if you see it as an "extension of Israeli" policy, when I want to order a bacon cheeseburger and beer, I want to order a bacon cheeseburger and beer.

I want to eat what I want to eat. Fuck ideology. And I don't' want to hear the 'call to prayer' five times a day.

Don't forget the iranians were behind the kidnapping and murder of william f buckley, and the bombing of the marine barracks in beirut.
No its not. It's a very simple system.

gold is a rare resource that we do not have a huge surplus of (the french would know a thing or two about it)
Gold is not as rare as you think. Silver is far more rare and in demand in medical, industrial and chemical products. The prices should be reversed for gold and silver.

Gold is the most recycled material next to steel/iron. Silver is actually consumed.

What drives gold's price is demand. Everyone loves gold. Silver is seen as second class.
Gold is not as rare as you think. Silver is far more rare and in demand in medical, industrial and chemical products. The prices should be reversed for gold and silver.

Gold is the most recycled material next to steel/iron. Silver is actually consumed.

What drives gold's price is demand. Everyone loves gold. Silver is seen as second class.

actually silver is less rare than gold. silver is 0.075 ppm of the earth's crust, while gold is 0.004 ppm.
Dude you voted for mccain

Admit it, you will bootlick anyone as long as they are under that Republican banner
Obama was the other option.
Obama wanted to "fundamentally change America."
we had/have:
1. blatent disregard for DoS policy and flying the faggot flag at embassies.
2. several failed spending policies which were supposed to jump start the ecnomy. and didn't for eight years.
3. DoS Secretary giving up military secrets of a trusted ally for a Russian treaty.
4. Denying a country of prepurchased/in the process of buying, a weapon systems for the same useless treaty.
5. Attacks on Merican soil which not went unanswered, but were excused and ignored even when it resulted in an ambassador's death.
6. The Russian take over of Crimea.
7, The start of the attempt to take over the Ukraine.
8. Iran becoming nuclear capable.
9. Trying to sign a trade deal with China which NO ONE in their right wanted (both sides of the aisle).
10. Obama LITERALLY BOWED to a foreign head of state. (SA)

Oh and the fucking Trannie bathroom/BLM/OWS/ANTIFA thing took off under his watch.

yeah. I'd say given the choice. I made the right one.

Funny now that McCain is dead, the left has elevated him to saint status, because he got butthurt over a stupid comment Trump made.
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