When MOAR Middle East War Peens? Soon.

your bogeyman "those dems" aren't going to stop when they finally get what they want and your caped superheroes "the 'publicans" are as worthless as quence. but that thar gubmint is the best we have!
Don't count us out just yet.
The only real way a socialist government can take over is through a violent revolution. If LIC is right and Merica is in pre- or advanced meltdown stage then things should be ramping up very soon. And I mean like sack cities and oust city councils type stuff. True hostile take over. Don't give me shit about Seattle or Portland because it's obvious those cities are testbeds. When say Chicago falls or Baltimore (because it's proximity to DC) or NYC then I'll have to concede that you're right and we're looking at the end of Merica v. 1.3.

But the reality is after nearly three months these retards can't even burn down a federal building even when the local governments have hamstrung the fed and local authorities. This is all just theater.
see part of the reason you dont understand the topic is youre wearing Hannity goggles and cant see anything else

its not even about "leftists", why do you keep talking about this
Oh you mean the righties which are so far right they are left or vice versa?

LOL. OK. you look at things your way and I'll look at things mine. The right way.

ps I don't watch Hannity because he's a shill. He's a "republican" Rachal Maddcunt.
jfc does your brain do anything

your life consists solely of this idea
You really do not understand different philosophies of thought.

Because of your true ignorance, I'll refrain from a deserved insult.

Compare the game of chess with go.
You have an asian girlfriend and she should be able to tell you or point you in the direction of someone who can.

Then you get back to me bro. If you still have the same opinion I would like to hear your rational. Textwall the shit out of that explanation please.
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