who are your favorite jews?

That's weird af to me but its weirdly... true? It's only 21% but that's still the highest percentage out of any religion in the nation, no east Asian country every struck me as actually following God but I stand corrected.
Generally they have oodles of deities that they generally can't be bothered with outside of festivities, or they follow one branch of imported or homegrown jewish nonsense.
Jesus he is a good person he cares about us always love jesus despite him being a jew since unlike most jews he is not evil but good my advice is dislike or hate all or most jews except jesus because jesus is the only good jew and holy jew always love jesus
Jesus wasn't Jewish he was Christian
The best Jews are Russian Jews. By far the funniest albeit the most intrusive but they don’t delude themselves with the 6 gorillian deaths shit. They’re willing to break character. Also they invented Matryoshka dolls.
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