Wiki requests go here

Ed article on plazma burst would be cool.
Also easier logins would be nice.
Also an article that shows you how to do things like Post videos to articles.
Just go to a page that has videos and copy and paste. To post YouTube videos, erase the back end take out the ?SI and everything after it.

< center > < youtube > youtube address minus ?SI and everything after it </youtube > </ center>

Oh, and you won't have spaces, the < touches center.
Account creation was reenabled a few weeks ago and users on the wiki no longer have to be approved in order to edit. EDitor group is essentially a role between regular user and sysop and grants extra privs like ability to edit the main page, it's not the EDiot group that had been used for approving accounts previously.
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Surprised The Critical Drinker hasn't had his own page. He seems like perfect material for an ED article.
I made a post about this, but copypaste here.

Not sure if anyone posted about him before, but he's basically a 1A auditor, focusing on service dog admittance. He spergs out at cops and believes a conspiracy by Nazi, Trump-supporting pedophiles is why he keeps getting kicked out of places. He also frequently threatens mass violence unless authorities do something.

change the part in the "did you know" thingy where it says that p diddy is on the run, cuz now hes arrested and i dont think you can be on the run while also in jail
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