
Karl Marx left his wife and children in poverty
EDF2 Survivor
Jordan Peterson stated:



Karl Marx left his wife and children in poverty
EDF2 Survivor
theres been around 7 different occasions where youve expressed support for jordan peterson then retracted it after youve been shown that hes a drug addict and a zionist

are you really going to repeat everything again, whats next, reposting sean hannity clips
Many people fall victim to the clutches of pain killers and other prescription medications. To the credit of Dr. Peterson, he never shies away from publicly discussing his faults and this makes him an even greater man.

Obviously, Dr. Peterson cannot be a zionist because he’s not a jew. You may be thinking he’s a zionist familiar or a shabbos goy, but he’s simply a human being trying to make sense of this crazy world and, like most humans, doing it imperfectly.
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