You fuckers should really watch kamen rider

Its really good
I actually started a thread pointing out that TC was not WN a few weeks ago. Still, his firing is disturbing. It's now a complete lockdown of the jewish point of view on all of the major "news" networks.

TC-for all of his flaws-stood up to the Jewkraine nonsense, talked about White Replacement, the open borders and lots of other things. Now, it's all team jew and their republikunt allies.

On the flip side, it is my hope that two things happen as a result. First-and most important-that White Men can clearly see that they have been locked out of the system completely. That the current set up is utter poison to them and their interests. Second, that Tucker Carlson names the jew. As a buddy of mine said, "unless he's beyond human aid, he will". If he doesn't, he's as useless as the neo cohen Hannity.
The jews and their leftist/globalist lackeys in the media are doing damage control by praising the Haitian that are killing Americans, raping children and eating people's pets.
Shut the hell up faggot
YouTube now 100% nigger ads
We've been bitching about the amount of niggers seen in YouTube commercial advertisements for a very long time. The jew puts niggers in white clothes and in white houses, speaking like white people and puts this unlikely situation into all advertising for virtually every product and service sold on the website......and we're supposed to pretend it's real.

YouTube has been increasing the amount of niggers seen in the ads over the years and just recently they're finally achieved total immersion. 100% solid nigger in every commercial ad. And when there are no people featured, the voice-over is always a nigger voice.
We might also add, the vast majority of the ads feature a nigger with a white woman. Another popular theme is the nigger acting like a doting father around adoring nigglets.

We see niggers driving new luxury cars, living in multimillion dollar homes and being catered to by financial institutions. The world created by the jew in these ads is diametrically opposite of reality, save for the flash-in-the-pan nigger sports athletes and nigger rappers who all wind-up dead broke after being skinned of their wealth by the jew when the jew has no more financial interest to suck out of the dumbass nigger.

The jew dares the cowed Whites to point out this lop-sided racial representation, ready to pounce with the weaponized racist word. So the cowed Whites say nothing. And if they're brave enough to point out the absurdity on social media they're attacked by the brainwashed Whites and quickly banned.

All the while the impressionable White women are sucked-in by all this glowing imagery of wonderful gentle niggers and being primed to let a nigger defile them and leave them with a nappy headed little chimp to raise on their own. And the filthy jew does it's filthly work of destroying the White race one mulatto at a time.
This sounds similar to the Alt Right browser add on that put (((jew))) names in brackets so you could immediately identify that you were getting jew propaganda from some jew bullshit artist.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if tons of people started sending them random news sites as "Russian propaganda"?

"Oy Vey, the Russians are interfering with our monopoly of manipulating the Goy opinions!"
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