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Thanks to whoever gave me "obnoxious faggot"
I don't know who it was but I beileve it was @Maysam because he always reacts to my posts with that blank face :autistic: react or I just don't know
CLU, I want to thank you for the server maintenance and general site upkeep that you have done and will be doing. It’s very much appreciated.

Oh, I almost forgot, either @Likeicare or @Maysam has without warning or explanation (like a coward) banned me from the US Politics thread. That’s correct: one of the 2 worst mods (do they do ANYTHING useful?) has gone out of their way to wreck the board…..again.

When will you finally do something about the rogue mod problem? It’s a recurring issue that has yet to be addressed.

And please unban me from the US Politics thread.

That is not acceptable. I did absolutely nothing wrong that would merit a reply ban. I want that ban overturned immediately.

Would you please get your mods/admins under control? Actual spam that’s posted all over the site is ignored by them. Instead, they spend their time lashing out and imposing unwarranted bans against people whose opinions they simply disagree with. That’s f#cking outrageous!
josh you fucking manbaby, take your lumps, this is not KF and never will be
Donald was an honors student before ED ruined his life. As one of his many fans. Repent and delete the articles. He is a forgiving God.
Nice to see you drop by again
I stumbled into the news of David Lynch's death by coincidence. I haven't seen a lot from Lynch aside from Eraserhead and Twin Peaks, something I should probably rectify at some point, but there was this guy Robert Jefferson who I found from when I was using Soundcloud back in 2016 who made frequent allusions to Twin Peaks when he was working on Into The Risenwarren. I believe that was the first time I'd heard about Lynch. He said he wanted his work on the Dark Lantern to be Black Lodge-adjacent recently. Turns out he teaches TV production in Northumberland as well
I agree if it counts for anything that he was among the minority of film directors who hired actors who expressed any interest after the fact of working with them on a project for a second or third time - Ingmar Bergman also struck me as a pretty chill dude but he might've been an asshole I don't know
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always nice to chat with you, good sir. i've been "unplugging" more
lynch's work is great. he also references some older visual art directors sometimes. off the top of my head, the scene in the black lodge where cooper's chasing himself is a direct reference to kill, baby, kill! by mario bava. i still haven't finished watching s3
directors who can make cast members comfortable enough to want to come back whenever they get a phone call are usually good watches. john carpenter is also one. he had kurt russell and a handful of others. that being said sometimes it's atrocious. anything tim burton and johnny depp do together involves putting a ton of white makeup on depp and having him act weird. it certainly has a visual aesthetic to it but it's offputting
if i may recommend "What Did Jack Do?" is a short lynch did on netflix in 2017 when they were willing to experiment on weird, artsy stuff. he's smoking a cigarette and interviewing a monkey. 10/10 unless mulholland drive is more your thing (it seems bergman influenced this film some, i cannot verify this as i have not seen a lot of his work, really outing myself here as not up on the "kino")
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i listened to david lynch's "catching the big fish" and am about 1/3 of the way through "room to dream" which is an interesting format for a biography because this woman went around interviewing his family and friends and then at the end of her writing for the chapter he talks further about his perspective on the period.

in catching the big fish he talks about the importance of the director having final cut, and laments that he did not have it for dune. and how he basically tells angelo badalamenti how he's feeling and angelo composes it. if you're interested in diving in to lynch more i would recommend either or both of these. the auto/biography's first chapter alone explains a lot abt the visual tone he goes for in twin peaks.
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Without Trump in office, this subhuman filth would still be in the country. The repulsive turd world browns must be expelled….ALL OF THEM!

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