Why are carrots magically falling out of my buttcrack

Come on Ben, you've mellowed out a lot over the last few years, but you did make a zillion cringe threads with your oodles of unfunny sock accounts, and that is a fact.
i was lonely and wanted (you)s. moobs here thinks he's a comic genius and makes sock accounts just because and gets genuinely mad if you ask why
i was lonely and wanted (you)s. moobs here thinks he's a comic genius and makes sock accounts just because and gets genuinely mad if you ask why
Thanks Ben, I think we should just stay friends.
And per your other point, he is a genuine shortbus retard after all.
considering he spent six months tagging her in random threads telling her to kill herself, n then tried fucking with her offline until she stopped logging in, no
why the fuck isn't he permabanned for that anyway? before that we at least could assume he was relatively well-adjusted in a hank hill no-bullshit kind of way, but if anything fucking onideus is less unhinged than him
considering he spent six months tagging her in random threads telling her to kill herself, n then tried fucking with her offline until she stopped logging in, no
Ah, yes. I think I had buggered off the forums for most of that.
Just the kind of thing I expect from Tim tbh.
Did that happen at the end? Tim has been rather unhinged towards rodion for years.
I actually came back because I heard Tim had come out as a jew and was going on a schizoid posting rampage, but by then the forum was run by @MarioMario456 or some shit and practically nothing was happening any more.
it's not run by mario but yeh it's really only a matter of time before he day drinks the right amount of wine n goes full karen on quence
it's not run by mario but yeh it's really only a matter of time before he day drinks the right amount of wine n goes full karen on quence
I thought it was initially run by Mario then wrestled out from under him, but I admit - did not pay that much attention.
Also, I've not been reading Tim's posts, but from the length of the replies he makes towards Quence I believe the Karening is in full progress.
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