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  1. duder

    Brag About Getting Drunk/High

    How is that even a question, everyone should have some decent Hieronymus Bosch style hallucinations every now and then! The last guy I knew that had some popped up on a tiny island in the local river, which is right in the inner city, and stood there ranting and yelling about how his "bread...
  2. duder


    their behavior is based on the erroneous assumption that their lives matter.
  3. duder

    Livestream: German cops evicting a leftist squat in Berlin at 7AM

    here's a decent one of the rat infested junkie hole.
  4. duder

    War has been declared...

    Yeah, nothing better than removing the top of the towelhead's bucket list so they can use more resources for terrorizing the rest of the unbelievers live in peace.
  5. duder

    Unironic thoughts on black people

    That's because Europe is ruled by socialists, but they slowly run out of voters. Most of the indeginous people aged 30+ are having enough of it, so in order to stay in power the political class imports new voters and bribes them with all kinds of exclusive pampering. Same reason why they so...
  6. duder

    Quence dox

    @Gut Pile, is Quenciepoo fan club your sock? If no explain why two different people on a relatively small board accidentally use the same staccato-like punctuation. Like you're paid per period. Chances are rather slim. Aren't they. Seriously. Also why is the majority of those Paul Demsky "dox"...
  7. duder

    Unironic thoughts on black people

    A brilliant geopolitical concept Sir, can't disagree.
  8. duder

    Unironic thoughts on black people

    Africans are the main reason for climate change, air pollution, soil contamination, basically all the "it kills the planet" stuff whitey is blamed for, simply because they breed like flies and cause an overpopulation of the planet. A China-style one child policy would be the cure, but pointless...
  9. duder

    People can be so damn sensitive

    The good ol' "let's re-activate old contacts" game, the reason behind it usually is: - I'm a total trainwreck and need to feed my ego on other people's problems - I'm a total trainwreck with nobody to talk left, let me unload all my shit on you Got one of those messages myself a few weeks ago...
  10. duder

    Ass is life

    have you never seen one of those "aussie customs" shows? when they seize a bag of weed the size of a stamp they proudly announce "this would have a street value of 50k". the options: - aussies drugs are laced down to a homeopathic level - aussies are really bad with numbers until this is...
  11. duder

    What are you currently listening to?

    Poland also has some really nice metal bands which is more my cup of tea:
  12. duder

    Brag About Getting Drunk/High

    please post a pic of your purity ring.
  13. duder

    Brag About Getting Drunk/High

    Been a week or two already, but here's the story of my one and only LSD trip. My weed guy at that time asked me if I want some black micros because the guy he got them for did not show up, so I bought them...why not. Had been trying LSD a few times already but it never had an effect, most...
  14. duder

    COMEDY GOLD! - Negroes Buy 90 Acres of Land to Create ‘Safe City’ Likened to ‘Wakanda’

    communes that go self-sufficient to the greatest possible extent like the Amish only work because their internal laws are even more strict than the outside laws, while "liberal" communes, from a certain size on, always end as violence infested shitholes mostly populated by hard drug users ...
  15. duder

    COMEDY GOLD! - Negroes Buy 90 Acres of Land to Create ‘Safe City’ Likened to ‘Wakanda’

    show your support by sending all of your old/broken electronics so they can do some african style recycling.
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