A quick guide to OPSEC

ITT: Old technologically incompetent man argues that you should just lick the boot and accept that the government owns you


Ancient Eulogist
EDF2 Survivor
It depends on what you're talking about. The first amendment has exceptions as does every other amendment to the Constitution. While it may be up for debate as t o the Constitutionality however most people seem to agree with the Supreme Court's decisions. Take for example freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is okay unless that speech is harmful. For example CP, fraud, blackmail, perjury, obscenity, defamation (including libel and slander), fighting words, true threats, incitement to imminent lawless action, solicitations to commit crimes, etc. Freedom of the press is okay unless your confidential source violated federal law in exposing government corruption. Then a judge could subpoena you and force you to name names. Same with libel, incitement, obscenity or fighting words. None of that is allowed in the press either. Or freedom of religion. The free exercise thereof has always been a point of contention in the Supreme Court. A few examples would be if you're say an indigenous American and use peyote in religious ceremonies. You can still be prosecuted or fired from your job. Or if you discriminate against gays in housing, employment or other services. Or if you're a Seventh Day Adventist and don't work on Saturdays. Or if a religious institution doesn't want to pay for contraceptives. Or if your church doesn't allow gay weddings.

Same goes with the right to peaceable assembly and the right to petition the goernment for a redress of grievances. The government can impose restrictions on the time, place, and manner of peaceful assembly, require a permit, the government can also make special regulations that impose additional requirements for assemblies that take place near major public events and they can deny your permit if there's a risk of a riot, disorder or interference with traffic on public streets. Also, lobbying, right to file suits, certain kinds of libel actions involving government officials and SLAPP suits aren't protected either.
America loves big government right now. Don't see that changing.
Perhaps. But even then, what level has to be reached before the citizenry reacts? Then there is the issue is WHO replaces them? See banana republic.

Plus, what is the threshold for tyranny? 47% of this country believe anyone with a "R" after their name is enough.
Oh it'll be a while. Most people are satisfied with the bread and circuses America provides. Live their whole life with blinders on.
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Conservatives will never defend their rights outside of posting on the internet about it, and thats exactly why theyre losing them all

This thread is a perfect example of it
Don't you think that when conservatives lose their rights, everyone loses their rights? How can you say, for example the erosions of the first five amendments of the constitutution (sorry, 'murika-specific) that have taken place in the last couple decades apply only to conservatives?


Don't you think that when conservatives lose their rights, everyone loses their rights? How can you say, for example the erosions of the first five amendments of the constitutution (sorry, 'murika-specific) that have taken place in the last couple decades apply only to conservatives?
People are only losing those rights through the american conservatives weakness


Karl Marx left his wife and children in poverty
EDF2 Survivor
I think this thread has reached the end of its useless life and absolutely nothing was decisively settled.


I wouldn't have you jailed for that that's free speech. I would have you institutionalized. It's more humane.

You are upset over a non issue, hyped by, of all websites -- Mother Jones. I don't want to even comment on their obvious socialist bias. The system that was served the NSL was a public system. Literally owned by the gubbermint. This is highly different from the situation of Mamood getting FBI'ed for tweeting allah ackbar in response to Scalise being shot, or some rapefugee traveling to Syria for "religious" reasons and coming back with some GSW, and posting himself under an ISIS flag.

How is it that you fail to understand the difference? You literally have less protection when you use your company's computer at work.
i still dont understand this post.

does anybody


I use grapheneOS on a refurbished pixel 3xl I paid $300 for and highly recommend. How am I supporting google again? Both pinephone and libre phone don't play nicely enough to make me want it as a daily carry.

Opsec isn't purely what hardware or software you choose, but how you conduct yourself as well.

This seems more like a wishlist than a guide. I'd love to see the average 50-60 yo boomer try to use arch or qubes lol.
Really, if you want to use an Android or some other phone, I would recommend an Alcatel, Posh or Z222. They have good batteries. You can actually charge the phone while you use these with a battery pack by running two wires that go to the prongs that hold the battery, unlike with some other phones that'll explode if you do this unless you have taped over the top part of the battery that connects to these prongs (+ and -). These phones are good for when you're in prison. Posh isn't called the prison phone for nothing. Not only are they easy to conceal and smuggle, but they are fit for this task.


Operating System: Qubes, Arch or Manjaro
linux distro it's just a few built-in programs and shitty package manager. And linux isn't the most secure system

If you really want secure linux, just learn selinux and hardening, and you don't believe some arch bastards. If you don't want to mess with this, you just install OpenBSD.

Hardware: System76 or Purism
Without RISCV they will never be distinguished by something extraordinary. At most, much better support for Linux-libre based distributions.

Cell phone: Pinephone or Librephone. Some people say to buy an Android so you can "ungoogle" it by jailbreaking it and installing custom ROMs like GrapheneOS or LineageOS, but this is completely pointless because you're still supporting Google by buying an Android. But even if you want to, just don't buy a Samsung or Huawei.
as above + attached GSM module at some point and so it may stop working with the next kernel upgrade. Generally, it's best to use dumbphone or not at all.
Web browser: Firefox (with the commonly recommended privacy plug-ins of course, like NoScript, Privacy Badger, Cookie AutoDelete, Multi-Account Containers, etc.)
also SeaMonkey i can recommended, support old XUL, telemetry disabled in default etc.
Deep web: Lokinet or Nym. Tor isn't perfect and has a lot of problems.
i didn't know it, thanks

VPN: Cryptostorm.is or VPS. VPNs are mostly bullshit. Don't waste your money.
this could not be missing from this list:

Email: host your own email, if a product is free you pay with your data.
they aren't encrypted anyway so what's the point

Passwords: xkpasswd.net, BitWarden, KeePassXC or masterpassword.app
+ pass
VPNs are not generally crap, you just have to spend time with finding a proper one which mainly depends on the jurisdiction the provider is under. if an american provider, for example, announces they run no logs it can only be a lie because it would violate US data retention laws. Sweden for example has pretty sexy laws in that context, so a swedish provider is a good choice.
fuck you shill

Also, social media has become so common place that asking someone just not to use their apps is bullshit. Last week I had to go to court for a ticket (which I won). I got to court and they gave me a fucking Zoom number to call in. So now I had to download Zoom, accept their TOS (which likely says they own my data) so I can appear for a traffic ticket.
so the US is not a civilized country and they do not provide a phone number?


Dildo Collector
was that "madaidan" crap written by you? because the amount of IT illiteracy bundled with not backing up statements with actual evidence matches.
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