there is another film about the dybbuk... 2012's the possession
and theres also another film from 2021 also called "dybbuk"
and if i fucking had a dybbuk box in my house, me and my parents would be FUCKED.
There is a Dybbuk in your house.
*takes a toke at this*
If you can imagine something, you can delude yourself with the possibility of it being a problem to resolve.
You can give life to fear.
If you avoid mental problems you'll be driven to create physical ones.
Our minds are alive.
Separate from our biology.
That's alive too, but the evolution of biology is based in physicality.
The evolution of thought is based in mentality.
Like that saying goes; get better problems!
That word doesn't exist in reality. It reads as "paradox" because it's something your mind needs in order to have a reason to be.
If there's no problem there's no point.
To anything.
Life recognizes problems and lives to overcome them. To evolve past them.
If you try to ignore problems, if you blur away the perception of problems with incessant satiation, you will no longer be registered as "living" insofar as how reality reads you.
Being dead while alive will generate problems ~for~ you.
Autonomy isn't something you can just use for whatever you WANT.
The WANT isn't as important as the PROBLEM that's in the way of it.
You're not suppose to WANT you're supposed to CREATE PROBLEMS!
That's human. To search out and improve upon problems!
Wanting for satiation is suicidal.
Wanting for creation is living.
It's just meaning.
Either you're meaningless or you're meaningful and it all depends on how you pick your problems in life.
If all you're doing is looking to avoid problems, you will simply invite other people's problems as your own.
The mind evolves through perceived problems as a means of growing past them, but if all you're feeding the mind is garbage problems, well garbage in, garbage out.
Garbage life made from garbage problems.
Sentience requires a meaningful life made from meaningful problems.
Otherwise you're simply a disease, a parasite, the lowest form of physical evolution exemplified in the lowest state of mental evolution.
Symmetrical reflection is fun like that.
The mind, the imagination, is a literal microcosm of reality itself with its own living organisms; your thoughts. Some act like animals, some act like diseases, some act like the grace of God himself!
How many thoughtforms do you think exist inside yourself? Have you been feeding your thoughts nothing but garbage? Is that why your thoughts parasitically pick at your perception? Is that why you're losing identity? Have you made your thoughts into a disease?
Easier to satiate with stealing. Lowest effort life.
Why not give your living thoughts better problems to evolve from? Why not give your thoughts the want and will to eat better problems? Why don't you give your pestilent problems their own problem to solve?
You don't need to.
That's the default.
Reason is not something you can forsake without inviting a living hell to take its place.
You will make better problems for yourself whether you want to or not.
Reality doesn't have an option, because reality is forever. Time-space curves, so we know we're trapped in this relative forever. At best you can hope that you'll die and forget yourself for the rest of this forever until you wake up into yourself all over again.
Even if that's the case (unlikely given what we understand of reality), it's likely that what we perceive as awareness is only the result of the fact that we DON'T forget ourselves, not completely.
You're immortal at a default, just like the rest of reality.
There's no escape with something like drugs or death, you'll just be slowly murdering yourself forever.
Over and over and over. The problems we make for ourselves, we have that ability so that we can find some means of escaping this actual hell. In that regard we humans discovered that God is truth.
The reason we know that is because communication is key to salvation and the ultimate form of any salvation can only come from truth, otherwise there's nothing real to save.
Communication in absence of truth devolves into manipulation. Sometimes that's a result of natural noise, like natural disasters, but the living thoughts of a human can emulate natural noise to produce artificial noise.
A human can attack truth with their autonomy as a means of trying to control the autonomy of others, but only if they forsake autonomy itself in the process.
You can't destroy autonomy by ignoring it, that's like covering your eyes to try and make a monster go away, because that's what you'll force autonomy to monstrously evolve into if you attempt to murder its meaning in the mind's eye.
To try and steal truth to appease lying eyes only serves to erode salvation into ruination as reason devolves into treason.
The more you try to attack the truth, the more you try to attack communication, the more apparent it becomes that you're simply living hell and that's all you can ever offer life; the problem of worshiping denial.
Imagine there's no denial.
Imagine there's no lies.
Imagine better problems or else you might make the delusional Dybbuk real enough to give your living nightmares every excuse to haunt you.