book thread

also an aside in the fenice book, wasn't looking for anti-american shit but found it. casson is the prosecutor investigating the fenice fire, and was also the one who investigated and took part in uncovering operation gladio. i am thinking i will look for a book on that bullshit next
also an aside in the fenice book, wasn't looking for anti-american shit but found it. casson is the prosecutor investigating the fenice fire, and was also the one who investigated and took part in uncovering operation gladio. i am thinking i will look for a book on that bullshit next
being anti-american is almost as american as one can get. ive read a bit on the whiskey revolt, but there's still a lot more good reading there.
i will have to research this more. i know there are plenty of leftyjews (some v prominent in current book) but a functioning commune is still a surprise. i suppose it shouldn't be, in a sense where older places are more likely to have small, self-reliant places tucked away, but my knowledge of the jews n the middle east region in general is full of gaps, and most of it in terms of recent meddling *looks over at wikileaks files, the shortest history of israel and palestine, and jihad vs mcworld* or in terms of diaspora (jewish slavers in brazil, jewish scientists who came over to manhattan project, being on the receiving end of several pogroms during the middle ages, etc) none of which really portray an uninterrupted day to day existence in non-hostile areas.

oh hey he was logged in recently! @rodion if you come back i watched a jewish horror movie on shudder a while back n i forgot the name of it but it was kinda cool n if you could recommend a solid book on jewish mythology/demons that would be dank af plz
I feel like the best movie you might be reffering to is The Vigil because it is about a Mazzik which is a terrifying entity in Jewish demonology. There are rules to doing a Shomir which is when we watch over a dead body and pray for the soul, the guy in the movie you might be referring to breaks a bunch and ends up drawing the entitys attention.
My favorite source of spooky jewish literature is the ones directly translated from the yiddish stories which is "The Dybbuk and Yiddish Imagination" by Joachim Neugroschel. It is honestly the best way to get into it to look at some of the source material because scholarly work by secular Jews often fails to actually pinpoint the complexities of the phenomenons of a culture they are no longer part of.
there were kibbutzes in israel even while it still was part of ottoman empire. jews always had large socialist populations and after the state of israel was born he gov had to keep them around to please the socialists, they're still around today and doing pretty fine for themselves
i think our friend @rodion mentioned visiting one
I lived on Kibbutz Yagur briefly and funny enough lost like 2 shirts to their "communal clothes washing" and worked in gardening working with some bedouins too. It was fun and the neighborhood looked really nice and was in a pretty friendly but diverse place were you could stop and get fried chicken from a nearby Druze village. NGL made cases for and aaginst its model but it is a contributing source of GDP because its planned economic activities happen to make good money.

Today in "The Never"...

(who doesn't enjoy reading to broken misfits)

We seek salvation from our sin in Jesus because we know He is already alive and risen. We seek salvation by recognizing his living presence in creation, one that has risen from death to raise the world to eternal life.

Let us now enter; The Door of the Lord!

Are you ready to freefall into infinity?

*snaps reality*

We're here! In reality, obviously. Back in your presumed present perception.

Have a look around. No, no, spherically. Look "around" you, but perceptually. What other perceptions are apart from yours, but nearby? Are they family? Friends? Strangers? Are they human?

When you think about people apart from yourself, you don't really know how they perceive things. They might stab you because they feel entitled to perceive you as their enemy even if you've done nothing wrong and have never even met them.

How can you find Jesus in people you can't see into? We're looking for Jesus and we know he's inside us, but we can't know WHERE unless we find out WHERE he is in OTHER people. How can we tell though? The Bible's theology teaches us that even Christianity itself is susceptible to evil influence. As we've learned, the Ba'alians can Bible thump for a hump.

Trust is scary when you don't know who to trust. A lot of us WANT to trust, but a lot of us WANT to burn it. Those who want to burn it aren't all bad either, a lot of them are simply victims of repeated abuse driven to spite creation in concurrent reflection.

Someone hurts you and gets away with it. If they can get away with it, then hurting people must be moral. The abuse spreads like a poison wildfire, cancerous cognition seeking creation's cremation for satiation. The conversion of reason to treason.

The answer is simple. Do you feel hurt? Do you feel pain? I don't fuckin care.

I care about how you got OVER it, how you got AROUND it, how you didn't let it orbit your influence to make you waver emotionally.

Make your reasoning spherical. Round thoughts give you the greatest control. Those with the greatest control are the ones you can trust the most, but keep in mind... if you aren't spinning as fast as they are, they won't let you drag them down, they'll just throw you right off like you're trying to ride a bull.

Don't get ass mad about it! Trust isn't about taking. Trust is about learning. That's why we give parents, professors and preachers pious praise when they invest enormous effort in edifying our education into entertaining enlightenment. You can find trust in whatever seeks to give you strength in life.

You can trust me! I've given you great mental strength by sharing cognitive crucibles that you can creatively cultivate in your cup of cosmos. Using this emotionally experiential strength you can potentially grow the most powerful fruit in creation; infinite imagination.

Absolute Anything

The stuff that dreams are made of. You could have your own T.A.R.D.I.S with one! Or whatever form of fantastical time tech you like. As I said, Absolute Anything!

Does require fuel though! Can't get daily bread without daily work. The more work you put into your dreams the more real they'll become. That works in a direct sense too, so if you can't make your dreams into reality it might be you haven't put enough effort into the dream, only entitlement.

To turn the dream from wish into want you have to imaginatively search for probable pathways. If you wanted to be racist you could get a job in DEI. Then you can sort people superficially and make money ruining hard work. You won't make a lot of sense doing that though.

That's where REAL money comes from, MEANING!

If your actions and ideals have no meaning then you are simply a worthless person making life worth less for others.

If your dreams and desires are centered in the act of mutating meaning to exploit enlightenment, then you will burn meaning itself and enlightenment will be lost to passing, plastic pleasures. Selling your soul for a snack. How much satiation is your immortal imagination worth? Without meaning there's no point to even being.

In order to ever become more than Nothing you need to find what's mentally meaningful to creation. What does creation dream for? Creation created you for something it desperately wanted. Your individual creation took BILLIONS of years to produce! Imagine working on your dreams for BILLIONS of years! Billions and billions! Just to make you! For what?

Maybe you should consider that more than you should consider working for yourself or others. Ask The Unknown, ask Jesus, ask your imagination... what work can I do for God today?

At the very least, even if you don't feel you know God that well, you can try to get to know God through his teachings. You can search for meaning in creative workings.

That's the work God has given us in this moment. I'm glad God has given us such fine work to do. We've earned this work. This work is our own and we will use what we gain to make everything in creation stronger!
A white hand holds a suppressed pistol
Started reading The Turner Diaries 2: Electric Boogaloo. For as much as I have read so far, it seems more matured and feels more realistic than his previous work. As the title might imply, it is about human hunting, something I fantasize about on a near-daily basis. I have become so misanthropic and pessimistic that I can't go outside seemingly without pondering or plotting the demise of civilization; a civilization which I deem innately degenerate and corrupt in its own right, though those ideations used to afflict me even more so in the past. Does anyone else ever feel this way? Anyways, I lost my focus for reading a while ago, but hopefully this will put me back into the grove.
I feel like the best movie you might be reffering to is The Vigil because it is about a Mazzik which is a terrifying entity in Jewish demonology. There are rules to doing a Shomir which is when we watch over a dead body and pray for the soul, the guy in the movie you might be referring to breaks a bunch and ends up drawing the entitys attention.
My favorite source of spooky jewish literature is the ones directly translated from the yiddish stories which is "The Dybbuk and Yiddish Imagination" by Joachim Neugroschel. It is honestly the best way to get into it to look at some of the source material because scholarly work by secular Jews often fails to actually pinpoint the complexities of the phenomenons of a culture they are no longer part of.

I lived on Kibbutz Yagur briefly and funny enough lost like 2 shirts to their "communal clothes washing" and worked in gardening working with some bedouins too. It was fun and the neighborhood looked really nice and was in a pretty friendly but diverse place were you could stop and get fried chicken from a nearby Druze village. NGL made cases for and aaginst its model but it is a contributing source of GDP because its planned economic activities happen to make good money.

dybbuk from 1937 is the only yiddish movie i watched in my life, pretty fun for prewar cinema
I feel like the best movie you might be reffering to is The Vigil because it is about a Mazzik which is a terrifying entity in Jewish demonology. There are rules to doing a Shomir which is when we watch over a dead body and pray for the soul, the guy in the movie you might be referring to breaks a bunch and ends up drawing the entitys attention.
My favorite source of spooky jewish literature is the ones directly translated from the yiddish stories which is "The Dybbuk and Yiddish Imagination" by Joachim Neugroschel. It is honestly the best way to get into it to look at some of the source material because scholarly work by secular Jews often fails to actually pinpoint the complexities of the phenomenons of a culture they are no longer part of.
yes that's the one! it's a bit formulaic but i liked the lighting color, and it had good framing. and i hadn't heard of a mazzik (dybbuk is more prominent in horror films) or a shomir so despite it being beat for beat, still 7/10
this is the closest googlebooks has? thx for book rec
Screenshot_20250109-201957_Google Play Books.jpg

there is another film about the dybbuk... 2012's the possession

and theres also another film from 2021 also called "dybbuk"

and if i fucking had a dybbuk box in my house, me and my parents would be FUCKED.
you're a good kid i hope you have a nice 2025

as for what i am currently reading i finished the fenice book and have been listening to the devil in white city about the architecture process of the 1893 world's fair and the h.h. holmes murders going on at the same time. goes back and forth between the lead architect and holmes
it's good. it also reminds me of the fenice book because one of the issues with building or re-building anything so heavily under the public's eye is the 50 billion committees you have to get approval from and people who want to say they were involved with it so they can get some fame from it. infuriating to listen to these do-nothing middlemen who suck funds from people who actually work while contributing nothing and slowing shit down
there is another film about the dybbuk... 2012's the possession

and theres also another film from 2021 also called "dybbuk"

and if i fucking had a dybbuk box in my house, me and my parents would be FUCKED.

There is a Dybbuk in your house.

*takes a toke at this*

If you can imagine something, you can delude yourself with the possibility of it being a problem to resolve.

You can give life to fear.

If you avoid mental problems you'll be driven to create physical ones.

Our minds are alive.

Separate from our biology.

That's alive too, but the evolution of biology is based in physicality.

The evolution of thought is based in mentality.

Like that saying goes; get better problems!

That word doesn't exist in reality. It reads as "paradox" because it's something your mind needs in order to have a reason to be.

If there's no problem there's no point.

To anything.

Life recognizes problems and lives to overcome them. To evolve past them.

If you try to ignore problems, if you blur away the perception of problems with incessant satiation, you will no longer be registered as "living" insofar as how reality reads you.

Being dead while alive will generate problems ~for~ you.

Autonomy isn't something you can just use for whatever you WANT.

The WANT isn't as important as the PROBLEM that's in the way of it.

You're not suppose to WANT you're supposed to CREATE PROBLEMS!

That's human. To search out and improve upon problems!

Wanting for satiation is suicidal.

Wanting for creation is living.

It's just meaning.

Either you're meaningless or you're meaningful and it all depends on how you pick your problems in life.

If all you're doing is looking to avoid problems, you will simply invite other people's problems as your own.

The mind evolves through perceived problems as a means of growing past them, but if all you're feeding the mind is garbage problems, well garbage in, garbage out.

Garbage life made from garbage problems.


Sentience requires a meaningful life made from meaningful problems.

Otherwise you're simply a disease, a parasite, the lowest form of physical evolution exemplified in the lowest state of mental evolution.

Symmetrical reflection is fun like that.

The mind, the imagination, is a literal microcosm of reality itself with its own living organisms; your thoughts. Some act like animals, some act like diseases, some act like the grace of God himself!

How many thoughtforms do you think exist inside yourself? Have you been feeding your thoughts nothing but garbage? Is that why your thoughts parasitically pick at your perception? Is that why you're losing identity? Have you made your thoughts into a disease?

Easier to satiate with stealing. Lowest effort life.

Why not give your living thoughts better problems to evolve from? Why not give your thoughts the want and will to eat better problems? Why don't you give your pestilent problems their own problem to solve?

You don't need to.

That's the default.

Reason is not something you can forsake without inviting a living hell to take its place.

You will make better problems for yourself whether you want to or not.

Reality doesn't have an option, because reality is forever. Time-space curves, so we know we're trapped in this relative forever. At best you can hope that you'll die and forget yourself for the rest of this forever until you wake up into yourself all over again.

Even if that's the case (unlikely given what we understand of reality), it's likely that what we perceive as awareness is only the result of the fact that we DON'T forget ourselves, not completely.

You're immortal at a default, just like the rest of reality.

There's no escape with something like drugs or death, you'll just be slowly murdering yourself forever.

Over and over and over. The problems we make for ourselves, we have that ability so that we can find some means of escaping this actual hell. In that regard we humans discovered that God is truth.

The reason we know that is because communication is key to salvation and the ultimate form of any salvation can only come from truth, otherwise there's nothing real to save.

Communication in absence of truth devolves into manipulation. Sometimes that's a result of natural noise, like natural disasters, but the living thoughts of a human can emulate natural noise to produce artificial noise.

A human can attack truth with their autonomy as a means of trying to control the autonomy of others, but only if they forsake autonomy itself in the process.

You can't destroy autonomy by ignoring it, that's like covering your eyes to try and make a monster go away, because that's what you'll force autonomy to monstrously evolve into if you attempt to murder its meaning in the mind's eye.

To try and steal truth to appease lying eyes only serves to erode salvation into ruination as reason devolves into treason.

The more you try to attack the truth, the more you try to attack communication, the more apparent it becomes that you're simply living hell and that's all you can ever offer life; the problem of worshiping denial.

Imagine there's no denial.

Imagine there's no lies.

Imagine better problems or else you might make the delusional Dybbuk real enough to give your living nightmares every excuse to haunt you.
i found a physical book i bought in a scandinavian themed bookstore (solvang, socal. cute little touristy town) i am excited to re-read. trolls by john lindow
it talks about the meaning behind the word and its use and evolution over time, as well as the portrayal of trolls in different cultures and media
would recommend for anyone looking for the motive behind the whimsy

audiobook rotation: i just finished erik larson's dead wake, on the sinking of the lusitania. the narrative went back and forth between the captain of the u-boat, schwieger, and the captain of the lusitania, turner. found a new reason to hate churchill out of it. room 40 (british "intelligence") had been following u20 since it departed germany, knew where it was at all times, knew what it was sinking, knew where lusitania was and just sat on the info and blamed turner after it got sank.
churchill even years later in his memoirs still blamed turner. if they were trying to use lusitania as bait to get america to join the war, which they wanted, why blame the ship's captain and not germany? makes no sense
my man turner raised bees for honey after retiring

now audiobooking the mysterious case of rudolf diesel, abt the man who created the diesel engine and then went overboard on a ferry to england, book about implies he was possibly murked by kaiser or rockefeller. heading into 2025 taking the diesel pill (it's less volatile than oil)

think ima try to get over 100 books this year?

Reread this book for the first time in six years
The beginning and ending is very intriguing, but the middle is dull and has way too many spectacles and descriptions that do little with the plot. At around page 310 I just wanted to get the book over with.
If you are a huge marine science nerd and love vivid descriptions of sea animals, pick it up. But for those wanting a plot with a decent pace I wouldent reccomend too much.
I remember some of Jules Vernes other work to be a lot better, I'll have to reread em
View attachment 28750
Reread this book for the first time in six years
The beginning and ending is very intriguing, but the middle is dull and has way too many spectacles and descriptions that do little with the plot. At around page 310 I just wanted to get the book over with.
If you are a huge marine science nerd and love vivid descriptions of sea animals, pick it up. But for those wanting a plot with a decent pace I wouldent reccomend too much.
I remember some of Jules Vernes other work to be a lot better, I'll have to reread em
verne is pretty much kids literature, all of his books follow a similar pattern and were his days soft sci-fi, which after 100 years kinda lost its appeal given we have most of the wondrous technology that seemed out of reach back then, like massive submarines in this case
anyways, i'm still bitter that captain nemo had to be changed from polish artistocrat to a brownoid bc the book wouldn't sell in russia
verne is pretty much kids literature, all of his books follow a similar pattern and were his days soft sci-fi, which after 100 years kinda lost its appeal given we have most of the wondrous technology that seemed out of reach back then, like massive submarines in this case
anyways, i'm still bitter that captain nemo had to be changed from polish artistocrat to a brownoid bc the book wouldn't sell in russia
my problem isent that the sci fi that its talking about its reality after over 100 years, its just that the middle is so slow and meandering. Its like he just fills it with filler because he doesn'tg know how to get the book from beginning to end otherwise.
these two pages pretty much sum everything of what i'm complaining about. forgot to put these in the post anyway.
plus i hate that the blurb spoils the entire plot. I despise it when books and trailers do that, defeats the point of bothering to read/watch it in the first place.

my problem isent that the sci fi that its talking about its reality after over 100 years, its just that the middle is so slow and meandering. Its like he just fills it with filler because he doesn'tg know how to get the book from beginning to end otherwise.
these two pages pretty much sum everything of what i'm complaining about. forgot to put these in the post anyway.
plus i hate that the blurb spoils the entire plot. I despise it when books and trailers do that, defeats the point of bothering to read/watch it in the first place.
View attachment 28764
View attachment 28765
i forgot it even had fillers like that
i think journey to the centre of earth was lesser offender in this matter
finished metaphysics of war by julius evola. basically its a series of articles evola wrote around the early years of WW2 mainly just putting out his philosophical and political ideas. easier to digest than his touted book revolt.

now, on to medieval chivalry by richard kaeuper. this book covers the rise (the martial elites forming into their own class) and fall (royals eagerness to beknight anyone willing to donate a few bars of gold) of chivalry and what the knights actually thought and believed at the time.
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