
It is quite funny how the fascy press is saying he got shot, when he evidently just got slammed down by the secret service.
Gunshots are to be expected at a gathering of mouthbreathing oiks with trigger discipline as poor as their hygiene. Somebody probably just got spooked, by something a normal person would step around, and "stood their ground"
It's strange that people were screaming and pointing out the shooter on the roof, but the secret service didn't do squat about UNTIL the shooter had squeezed off some rounds and almost killed President Trump.

People online are adamant that the shooter is NOT Thomas Crooks but he is in fact Maxwell Yearick.

This is Maxwell's booking photo on the left and a pic of the shooter on the right. You can see that the chin, mouth, and hair are all very similar. Looks like he was shot in the head which results in profuse bleeding from the nose and mouth.

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