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So you dont give a shit about azn politics? I knew it moonfag hates azn politics he thinks japan politics is shit and gay
I only dont care about American politics, i dont really subscribe to politics
Bait title lol there should be no limits to the FREEDOM of speech.

But could you argue there should be limits to the definition of speech? I think you could and there should be such limits. Freedom of speech is defined as the right to say what you want. I believe in that right, but I don't believe everything people and "people" on EDF express falls into the category of coherent speech. Let's discuss such exceptions:
  • Twitter links
    A twatter link now and then doesn't hurt, almost exclusively "communicating" by spamming shitty twitter embeds should be punishable by death. So yes, I do believe the world would be a better place with @Magalicious beheaded in front of a cheering crowd.
  • Low to no discernible reading comprehension of the writer
    No need to name names, there are too many. When a poster makes a post that is obviously unintentionally out of context because his retard brain cannot process the words that came before his post.
  • Incoherent bullshit and way too fucking much of it
    I would say yes that in fact we are actually all preview [insert AI generated image]
TL;DR the following post sums it up perfectly

My conclusion to this problem is EDF needs a gulag subforum to lock up the retards incapable of actually saying anything. It's like EDF was a clean city that took in a few pajeets for its own amusement and to nobodys surprise the subhumans multiplied like rats. Now, a few years later, the entire city is a designated shitting street. We need to put the monkeys openly defecating in every fucking thread back into the zoo where they belong.
Yes, he is a complete nutter. But he is indicative of the entire Demonrat party in that they will lie about absolutely EVERYTHING. They have zero ethics and will sell out America for almost any reason.

But the many millions of sh*tskins will vote for them.
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