
Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor
@Baka sativa is the greatest thing ever you dumb slut


A regular degenerate; lowest of the low
Ancient Arabs were right, al-kuhul is The Devil and you should stay away from it.
It pushes you to do bad things, not things you wouldn't do while sober, but things you will regret later, like drinking with strangers. Let me tell you one thing about strangers: unless you are a chad with a chiseled jawline who always attracts large group of followers with his natural charisma strangers you meet whilst drinking are crazy. Crazy and alcoholic. And if you're desperate enough to drink with strangers you're probably an alcoholic too. There are different types of strangers you will meet though, bums for example, some bums are aggressive - don't drink with those. Other are peaceful and calm, those are the ones that usually will ask you to borrow a fiver but they are so nice you usually give them your change or even share a drink with. Knew a bum once, chill guy but alcohol clearly destroyed his mind, I was working with him on a job and he destroyed nice front door in a house because he didn't knew we had a key (house was a squat bumhole we had to clean for the renovating crew), later when boss wasn't around he explained his personal philosophy of slacking off on a job. He died in hospital last month, some people say he tripped while drunk, other say local drunk beat him to death. Guy is in prison now conveniently enough, if that was really him we're gonna break his legs when he gets out - frontier justice. The bum never was aggressive, never did anything to anyone, didn't deserve to die. Getting to the point, worst type of stranger to drink with - a woman. I've met two of those yesterday; one has Problems and when she drunks too much wine she likes to complain about her Problems, like her mommy dying when she was six and she didn't really gave a shit about it for all of her life but now she has an attention deficit it's apparently part of The Problems, another part of those is that she has no friends at school, which is a giant red flag at her age of seventeen. The other girl is her only friend as far as i'm concerned and they both like to gather information about people, this was my first interaction with them and they knew everything about me, where i live, who i am and who my family is, crazy shit but our town is relatively small. The other girl is less sad, and not as much of a mess than the other one, but surely is eccentric. She's a little older than me, twenty four or twenty five i believe, like all female mid-stage drunks likes to get wasted on cheap wine. And she likes young boys. I'm not even kidding, she's like Misato from Evangelion in training, she likes them legal - sixteen or seventeen, she buys them drinks, talks to them very fondly and at one time called herself the mommy of all teenage boys in our town (which was a little hot not gonna lie, but she's too flat for my standards of a mommy). Amusingly enough she has a boyfriend who is about her age, i never saw him, i'm not sure if he's even real, and if he is i'm not sure he knows about his woman's little fetish.

Anyway the point is, my dearest friend Binyamin "@dropdatwat" Kohen you should get sober while you still can. I would get sober too but that's not physically possible for me, not in Slavistan.


I don't drink alcohol and I don't use drugs. Sorry.

How does it function?
You claim to have an I.Q. In excess of one hundred, and you fail to comprehend the functionality of an improvised waterpipe? Or are you just being attn. hoers and shitting up a thread in which you have no place?
My gravity bong story????: I got out of jail for dui, did about six months and two in rehab... yakyak woofwoof anyway, LONG TIME
since I smoked anything,goto my friend's house, down in the basement he has a table with a multi-stage RubeGoldberg waterbong contraption that looked like some architect's model of a future city... anyway, he makes me take one bigass bong hit, and I laid down on the floor for 45 minutes, too baked to budge. Tried to get up at 45 min., didn't work laid down for another 45...

TL;DR, one grav-bong hit, incapacitated for 1-1/2 hrs
( that friend died of heroin overdose 15 yrs ago, RIP T.RIZZO)
Wanton drug consumption is not my area of expertise. Capisce?
R U still a druggie?
OK this is NOT BRAGGING. I had just put fresh brakes and clutch on a ten year old Ford. I was going 85 mph in the right lane of the freeway in medium traffic. I went to turn into the exit lane and some rally-dawg foggit passes me on the right going 125 mph, forcing me to violently steer left to avoid collision, breaking the car loose, and sliding toward the center barrier. One more snap of the wheel to avoid that, and I slid (miraculously avoiding death) past the beginning of the exit guardrail, but at this point I was too loose, too sideways and still going too fast to avoid colliding with the outside guardrail and the freeway light pole behind it, which fell over in an unceremonious coupé de gracé dead center on the car roof. It actually was a good bit of driving, avoiding collision with any other cars, but I blew a .17 B.A.C., and the judge didn't see it my way, considering my other two (non-collision) dui's from seven years previous. Now you can proceed to crucify me for being a drunken Irishman, etc etc ad infinitum lol u suk bolz foggit.
TL;DR, idiots get a year in jail in the U.S.A.
Oh the evil weed is definitely a drug. In fact, it’s considered the main gateway drug to even more dangerous drugs.
Ah yes, it’s the old druggie refrain of “but the use of marijuana doesn’t lead to using harder drugs. And it’s LEGAL too in some places.”

I’m surprised you didn’t trot out another favourite druggie refrain: “marijuana is natural. It’s just a plant!”

Guess what? Where the evil weed has been legalized, crime has increased, intoxicated driving has increased, and health related drug issues have increased.

Have you heard of ‘scromiting’? It’s screaming+vomiting due to the over-consumption of the evil weed and it is prevalent in states that legalized weed.
This conversation is wild once you realise its one guy talking to himself on two accounts


Healer's Fist
EDF2 Survivor
im driving to vegas tomm where i will be high off prostitutes and whatever drugs they can find me then im going to the desert to find my spirit animal and become a furry
see you niggers in june
Join me on the spirit walk as we chase the world snake thru the dusty skies my brother.

You're on your own with that furry shit tho. But I do know a one legged hooker with 2 fingers n a thumb on one hand if you really wanna get buck wild.


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor
im driving to vegas tomm where i will be high off prostitutes and whatever drugs they can find me then im going to the desert to find my spirit animal and become a furry
see you niggers in june


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor
nothing like vaping 28.6% super lemon haze :awesome:
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