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+size butt model
EDF2 Survivor
Ben is gay for the band Incubus you fucking newfag.

Which is kinda weird, being that all the bands members are old enough to be his dad.

Anyways Ben, I approve of your weed habit because it may help with your autism. Now get a fucking job.

friendship ended with beer

now weed is my best friend


All the stoner fags here are gonna die of lung cancer at 65, if they don’t an hero before then. Anyway, once at a family reunion I shot up some Benadryl and apparently started rambling about demons and stuff, I had really bad psychosis during my high, it was awful. Now on I’m gonna stick to mead
All the stoner fags here are gonna die of lung cancer at 65, if they don’t an hero before then. Anyway, once at a family reunion I shot up some Benadryl and apparently started rambling about demons and stuff, I had really bad psychosis during my high, it was awful. Now on I’m gonna stick to mead
You don't have to lie to kick it


A regular degenerate; lowest of the low
vodka is an evil thing, arabs believed it to be manifestation of evil spirit - al-kuhul
holiday drinking is even worse, we had too much vodka yesterday, met with some random old guy outside the liquor store, we said to him "Lord has resurrected, truly resurrected. Hallelujah", he started crying and talking about religion and life so i hugged him and told him everything is going to be allright. he also had a dog following him idk if it was his dog, he claimed it wasn't but he knew his name and age so he was prolly trying to make a joke or some shit, anyway the dog started licking him on face and old guy was licking the dog back basically kissing him lmao. we left him there to his sadness and his dog, later met up with some friends and one of them told me this old guy used to be big around his village, had his own inn, millions of złotys (1 pln is worth about one kg of potatos or onion so he was pretty rich for our standards) and now he's broke and one of his old friends hired him out of pity. we had some more wódka and then police came so we had to split and run away as drinking in public is illegal in our little based utopia. i don't remember much what happended later but i woke up in me bed covered in little scars and bruises so i probably was running through some busches or nearby forest
anyway, thats the life in slavistan for you

moral of the story is @dropdatwat, rabbi binyamin kohen my friend, if you really want to get party going in new jerusalem you've found in tampa, florida you should start drinking vodka (and preferably convert to catholicism you filthy Messiah-killer) but if you don't want to convert my great-grandfather used to tell stories about guy in our town making kosher wódka and that vodka being best vodka he ever had, so you could get some vodka distilled specially for your people


Karl Marx left his wife and children in poverty
EDF2 Survivor
I’m saying that weed is a fucking pussy-ass drug and that you should smoke a better plant drug, such as opium. If you still are gonna bee a druggie
If they're gonna ratchet up their choice of drugs, why not immediately jump to fentanyl to reach the obvious outcome of their drug abuse? No need to wait 10 or more years


Karl Marx left his wife and children in poverty
EDF2 Survivor
Etorphine is better (look it up)
According to the most advanced online repository of medical knowledge - Wikipedia - Etorphine has a potency 1,000–3,000 times that of morphine. However, a type of fentanyl called Carfentanil is up to 10,000 times stronger than morphine.


According to the most advanced online repository of medical knowledge - Wikipedia - Etorphine has a potency 1,000–3,000 times that of morphine. However, a type of fentanyl called Carfentanil is up to 10,000 times stronger than morphine.
My post is a joke, etorphine is used to sedate elephants. If you shot up etorphine, you would definitely perish in minutes
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