The static bracelet is not to only prevent static from shocking the hardware, it prevents the hardware's natural static charge discharging in a rapid manner. Dunno. If you don't want to wear one more power to ya.
it's not as big of a problem as it used to be
even in high school they made us wear them during official exams but in class we were free to work on PCs without the bracelets
it's not as big of a problem as it used to be
even in high school they made us wear them during official exams but in class we were free to work on PCs without the bracelets
there's IT in high school in poland?
it's not as big of a problem as it used to be
even in high school they made us wear them during official exams but in class we were free to work on PCs without the bracelets
well when I worked building servers I was taught it's even worse now because the power leads are even split to smaller amounts. That was in 2007.
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i'm poor so i'm just gonna buy this again later so i have 32 gigs
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