
Female Australian tourist gang-raped by African men in Paris while Macron officials look the other way


French police are investigating the case of an Australian woman who told investigators she was publicly gang-raped by five "African-type" men in Paris, France.

As reported by French news outlet Le Parisien, the 25-year-old tourist told police she was raped by five people, after she was found "disoriented and unable to speak a word of French" in the early morning hours of Saturday, July 20.

The woman was found after the incident standing outside Dounia, a Lebanese kebab shop on Boulevard de Clichy in Paris' 18th Arrondissement, with her dress "backwards" and partly torn off. Reports showed she made complaints to the staff at the shop, but she was unable to give details on how or where the incident happened.

CCTV footage has arisen showing the frightened woman running into Dounia and requesting help from the store's staff.

Alarmed customers and staff crowded around her in a bid to comfort her when a man entered the kebab shop.

The woman signaled that the man was her attacker and he boldly walked up to her and patted her on the back. A customer then confronted the man who immediately fled.

Police arrived minutes later, with the woman later telling officers the men were "of African appearance." Firefighters later took the woman to Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital.

The owner of the shop said in an interview that the woman could not stop crying and her dress was damaged. Other reports stated the woman was carrying her underwear in her hand and that she had her phone stolen.

The victim, who is believed to have been in Paris for the Fete de la Musique music festival, is reported to have had a flight home to Australia booked on Sunday, July 21.

The Paris Prosecutor's Office said police are investigating the allegations, with CCTV footage presently under inspection.

The incident follows a related case involving a British tourist who was raped and robbed during the Fête de la Musique on June 22. The suspects in this case are yet to be arrested. (Related: France shocked by murder of 12-year-old girl who was brutally raped, stuffed in suitcase; 4 Algerian migrants charged.)
Who said it’s a reflection of Aussie life? You’re an American munchkin, so it doesn’t mean much to you. However, in Australia the gang rape of an Australian citizen in Paris by a pack of repulsive negroes is big news.
Rape happens all over the world. Gang rape is not exclusive to any nation. Unfortunately it happens. As usual, you're not making any sense, perhaps it's all the hormone treatments.

So why would a fairly common crime, that happens in every nation be of interest or shock to me. Should they be punished. Of course. But, I and no one here, including yourself are not citizens of France. In reality, our opinion of what happened has the same value as your self worth - none.

One word.
Rape happens all over the world. Gang rape is not exclusive to any nation. Unfortunately it happens. As usual, you're not making any sense, perhaps it's all the hormone treatments.

So why would a fairly common crime, that happens in every nation be of interest or shock to me. Should they be punished. Of course. But, I and no one here, including yourself are not citizens of France. In reality, our opinion of what happened has the same value as your self worth - none.

One word.
You make my point for me. You are not an Aussie citizen. And you’re a dedicated apologist for negroes and other infernal beasts.

But REAL Aussies are very upset with the gang rape of one of their women by a pack of feral nogs. And as well they should be.
Stupid fat geezer trannie noises.
I have never apologized for crime no matter the race of the perpetrator.
You are a crime against humanity.

Ozzies upset over a fellow Ozzie being raped in Paris is meaningless.
The onus is on Paris.
And there is some blame to go to Ozzies.

Many keep pushing this idea that women don't have to be aware of their surroundings or take danger into account due to racism. These are the same cunts that would rather be with a grizzly bear than a man.

You really need AIDS.
I have never apologized for crime no matter the race of the perpetrator.
You make excuses for shitskins. That is very jewish of you.

Ozzies upset over a fellow Ozzie being raped in Paris is meaningless.
The onus is on Paris.
It’s certainly not meaningless to be enraged about one of your countrywomen being raped by a band of jigaboos in a foreign country. The onus is on France to do something about it AND on Australia to apply pressure for justice to be delivered.
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