You make excuses for shitskins. That is very jewish of you.
Go ahead and point to a single post. Just one. One. One. You can't. You're a liar. Lying is a jewish trait. You are more jewish than me. Get in the chipper KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! trannie.
It’s certainly not meaningless to be enraged about one of your countrywomen being raped by a band of jigaboos in a foreign country. The onus is on France to do something about it AND on Australia to apply pressure for justice to be delivered.
1. Not your country-woman.
2. Being outraged by the I FUCK KIDS media fostering goyim outrage for a political purpose is fucking weak dic I FUCK KIDS-trannie BS psy-op that only retarded trannie losers fall for.
3. No country anywhere or any one can force another nation to enforce its laws. Especially against France. If you actually opened up a book, a history book unlike the ones you like, ones that illustrate how to groom children, you would know this.
4. You're a faggot of a galactic magnitude.

Thesis: Quence is a loser/leftist masquerading as a butthurt centrist.

You shit on anyone that extends a helping hand to you
You shit on any male that has a job that you deem unworthy.
You shit on any perception you hold of someone being lesser than due to situations they cannot control.
You ignore dedication.
You ignore focus.
You ignore the desire to change.
You ridicule other's accomplishments.
You ridicule other's hobbies.
You ridicule others who actively improve their skillset or maintain their skillset.
You ridicule self-reliance.
You ridicule any attempt of one's pushing themselves beyond their limits to improve (physically and mentally}.

You're most likely a I FUCK KIDS/I FUCK KIDS sympathizer and you're specifically here to monitor and groom opinions as the "controlled opposition."
You are a leftist. You get "outraged" at certain news events, however it's obvious that you don't do anything about them. You don't even donate to the person that was victimized. You believe a site with 30 active/semi-active users is where you can make the most impact. It's clear your "opinions" are nothing more than the three day delay of the typical zionist opinion.

Unfortunately, you are not alone. There is a teaming mass of you retards in every single western nation which you think you're doing good by "opposing" leftist news or talking points on the internet, though what you are doing is subtly reinforcing the bureaucratic-centralist usurp.

You are the enemy.

And there are many who look like you.

All will be settled.
We are smaller than you in number. But history and as it is often portrayed in media, our conviction carries greater gravitas.

I now shun you. You are no longer worth my time. if you want you can meet me on the field. If not,

I have no respect for you, and neither do most here.

The ones here I oppose politically or socially, I have respect for, for they have conviction. They are not cowards. Or small. Some like you, however, are grossly retarded, but that is cause of their symptom.

You are little more than a worm infested dress, masquerading as a mannequin, demanding that everyone accept you as a human.
You are a fed-fudd.

Go ahead and point to a single post. Just one. One. One. You can't. You're a liar. Lying is a jewish trait. You are more jewish than me. Get in the chipper KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! trannie.

1. Not your country-woman.
2. Being outraged by the I FUCK KIDS media fostering goyim outrage for a political purpose is fucking weak dic I FUCK KIDS-trannie BS psy-op that only retarded trannie losers fall for.
3. No country anywhere or any one can force another nation to enforce its laws. Especially against France. If you actually opened up a book, a history book unlike the ones you like, ones that illustrate how to groom children, you would know this.
4. You're a faggot of a galactic magnitude.

Thesis: Quence is a loser/leftist masquerading as a butthurt centrist.

You shit on anyone that extends a helping hand to you
You shit on any male that has a job that you deem unworthy.
You shit on any perception you hold of someone being lesser than due to situations they cannot control.
You ignore dedication.
You ignore focus.
You ignore the desire to change.
You ridicule other's accomplishments.
You ridicule other's hobbies.
You ridicule others who actively improve their skillset or maintain their skillset.
You ridicule self-reliance.
You ridicule any attempt of one's pushing themselves beyond their limits to improve (physically and mentally}.

You're most likely a I FUCK KIDS/I FUCK KIDS sympathizer and you're specifically here to monitor and groom opinions as the "controlled opposition."
You are a leftist. You get "outraged" at certain news events, however it's obvious that you don't do anything about them. You don't even donate to the person that was victimized. You believe a site with 30 active/semi-active users is where you can make the most impact. It's clear your "opinions" are nothing more than the three day delay of the typical zionist opinion.

Unfortunately, you are not alone. There is a teaming mass of you retards in every single western nation which you think you're doing good by "opposing" leftist news or talking points on the internet, though what you are doing is subtly reinforcing the bureaucratic-centralist usurp.

You are the enemy.

And there are many who look like you.

All will be settled.
We are smaller than you in number. But history and as it is often portrayed in media, our conviction carries greater gravitas.

I now shun you. You are no longer worth my time. if you want you can meet me on the field. If not,

I have no respect for you, and neither do most here.

The ones here I oppose politically or socially, I have respect for, for they have conviction. They are not cowards. Or small. Some like you, however, are grossly retarded, but that is cause of their symptom.

You are little more than a worm infested dress, masquerading as a mannequin, demanding that everyone accept you as a human.
You are a fed-fudd.

Go ahead and point to a single post. Just one. One. One. You can't. You're a liar. Lying is a jewish trait. You are more jewish than me. Get in the chipper KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! trannie.

1. Not your country-woman.
2. Being outraged by the I FUCK KIDS media fostering goyim outrage for a political purpose is fucking weak dic I FUCK KIDS-trannie BS psy-op that only retarded trannie losers fall for.
3. No country anywhere or any one can force another nation to enforce its laws. Especially against France. If you actually opened up a book, a history book unlike the ones you like, ones that illustrate how to groom children, you would know this.
4. You're a faggot of a galactic magnitude.

Thesis: Quence is a loser/leftist masquerading as a butthurt centrist.

You shit on anyone that extends a helping hand to you
You shit on any male that has a job that you deem unworthy.
You shit on any perception you hold of someone being lesser than due to situations they cannot control.
You ignore dedication.
You ignore focus.
You ignore the desire to change.
You ridicule other's accomplishments.
You ridicule other's hobbies.
You ridicule others who actively improve their skillset or maintain their skillset.
You ridicule self-reliance.
You ridicule any attempt of one's pushing themselves beyond their limits to improve (physically and mentally}.

You're most likely a I FUCK KIDS/I FUCK KIDS sympathizer and you're specifically here to monitor and groom opinions as the "controlled opposition."
You are a leftist. You get "outraged" at certain news events, however it's obvious that you don't do anything about them. You don't even donate to the person that was victimized. You believe a site with 30 active/semi-active users is where you can make the most impact. It's clear your "opinions" are nothing more than the three day delay of the typical zionist opinion.

Unfortunately, you are not alone. There is a teaming mass of you retards in every single western nation which you think you're doing good by "opposing" leftist news or talking points on the internet, though what you are doing is subtly reinforcing the bureaucratic-centralist usurp.

You are the enemy.

And there are many who look like you.

All will be settled.
We are smaller than you in number. But history and as it is often portrayed in media, our conviction carries greater gravitas.

I now shun you. You are no longer worth my time. if you want you can meet me on the field. If not,

I have no respect for you, and neither do most here.

The ones here I oppose politically or socially, I have respect for, for they have conviction. They are not cowards. Or small. Some like you, however, are grossly retarded, but that is cause of their symptom.

You are little more than a worm infested dress, masquerading as a mannequin, demanding that everyone accept you as a human.
You are a fed-fudd.

Fuck both you goy toys. I’m the real Jew here.


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Australian crime boss teams up with Kinahan cartel to 'smuggle tonnes of cocaine'​

Angelo Pandeli Sydney Hells Angels boss
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According to a leading investigative podcast in Australia, Hells Angels boss Angelo Pandeli is a key figure in a global group that includes the Kinahan gang. The podcast, Cocaine Inc, alleges that Pandeli, 53, and the Kinahans are under investigation for attempting to smuggle hundreds of kilos of cocaine, valued at tens of millions of euros, from Colombia to Europe via Ireland.

Pandeli is considered one of Australia's most significant criminals. Based on investigative reporting across six countries, the podcast reveals how criminals are outsmarting authorities in a "cat and mouse" game, as the annual street value of the global cocaine market reaches €110 billion.

The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) has disclosed that the supply of cocaine is at its highest level in three decades, with the Kinahans and Pandeli collaborating to saturate the market both in Australia and abroad. ACIC deputy CEO of intelligence, Matt Rippon, commented: "The profits are immense and organised crime gangs are here and they are focused. In almost 30 years of being in law enforcement and intelligence, I haven't seen the scale of cocaine that we've seen consistently hitting our shores in the last 12 to 24 months."

I heard he has fled to somewhere in Europe
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