I can't even bring myself to keep playing this shit. In closing:
It feels more like a standard FPS than an RPG and none of the perks are really worth it. Most of them are just percentage increases and other inane bullshit. The cyberware that actually changes up gameplay costs a ton of money and is level locked, requiring you to put time into the main story or stupid cookie cutter events like shooting up gang members.
Choice in this game appears to be mostly an illusion aside from a few key decisions. There are a lot of segments that are just standard shooter segments that I've come across, and there doesn't seem to be any real choice in how you deal with them. The dialog system is also shittier than the one in Fallout 4... most dialog options fall under only two categories: "Move The Story Along" and "Please Tell Me More".
The world is absolutely huge, but it feels very empty. The only real things of note are NCPD crimestopper events and gigs that fixers call you about. There are no random events and everything feels baked into the game... in other words, don't expect many surprises out in the world, because the game wasn't designed to allow for random shit to occur. They could have made this a linear game and ditched the open world completely, TBH.
The graphics are also worse than The Witcher 3 IMO. And weather never seems to really change in this game unless the mission's script calls for a change in the weather. I'm not even a fan of The Witcher 3 but I still feel like this game is significantly weaker than that game in many regards.
It feels more like a standard FPS than an RPG and none of the perks are really worth it. Most of them are just percentage increases and other inane bullshit. The cyberware that actually changes up gameplay costs a ton of money and is level locked, requiring you to put time into the main story or stupid cookie cutter events like shooting up gang members.
Choice in this game appears to be mostly an illusion aside from a few key decisions. There are a lot of segments that are just standard shooter segments that I've come across, and there doesn't seem to be any real choice in how you deal with them. The dialog system is also shittier than the one in Fallout 4... most dialog options fall under only two categories: "Move The Story Along" and "Please Tell Me More".
The world is absolutely huge, but it feels very empty. The only real things of note are NCPD crimestopper events and gigs that fixers call you about. There are no random events and everything feels baked into the game... in other words, don't expect many surprises out in the world, because the game wasn't designed to allow for random shit to occur. They could have made this a linear game and ditched the open world completely, TBH.
The graphics are also worse than The Witcher 3 IMO. And weather never seems to really change in this game unless the mission's script calls for a change in the weather. I'm not even a fan of The Witcher 3 but I still feel like this game is significantly weaker than that game in many regards.