
Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor
@dropdatwat you can't have a firearm and smoke weed in AZ. Not legally. And I don't think you'd toughen up in prison.
If the Smart & Safe Arizona ballot initiative passes in 2020 it would legalize recreational cannabis for anyone 21 years of age and older. This would legalize the controlled substance in the state making it legal under Arizona law to possess both marijuana and a gun(s) because the person would be “lawfully in possession or control of controlled substances.”

Call Me Tim

I am retarded.

Medical Marijuana and Guns – How then does Medical Marijuana relate to gun ownership and acquisition? When a person purchases a firearm from a dealer (“Federal Firearm Licensee” or “FFL”), the buyer is required to complete ATF Form 4473—the Firearms Transaction Record.[9] Question 11(e) of the form asks “are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” The person is required to check “yes” or “no.” A light bulb should light up in your head at this point. Because marijuana, even if legal in the state of Arizona, is illegal under federal law, a gun buyer who uses medical marijuana is required to answer this question as a “yes.” At that point, the FFL cannot complete the sale legally.[10] Likewise, the marijuana-using buyer is prohibited from completing the purchase of the firearm.[11] Not only that, the user of medical marijuana cannot possess any firearms or ammunition according to federal law.[12] This fact has been clearly reinforced by the BATFE, which directed in an open letter to all FFLs:

Federal law…makes it unlawful for any person to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm or ammunition to any person knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that such person is an unlawful user or of addicted to a controlled substance. As provided by 27 C.F.R. § 478.11, “an inference of current use may be drawn from evidence of a recent use or possession of a controlled substance or a pattern of use or possession that reasonable covers the present time.”

You move here, and I will rat you out faster than you can say "anti-semitic."



Call Me Tim

Maybe grandpa needs a nap
In AZ they don't fuck around. At least I'm warning Ben Chode. Here is the reason why this issue is so serious here.
1. AZ legal system don't play. It's not soft and squishy like Massachusetts.
2. Though pot is "legal," the ones that voted against it are adamantly against it.
3. Even though AZ is the most 2nd friendly state there is, you WILL go to jail if you fuck up with a fire arm. See point 1. I'm serious, AZ courts brook no bullshit.
4. A literal faggot shot a US Congresswoman not too long ago. She retired and formed the "Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence." It is one of the most radical anti-gun groups out there.
5. One of it's chief policy makers was, David Chipman. Yes the same David Chipman which is the current AFT nominee. Do your own research on this fucktard.
6. Gifford's husband is Mark "Spaceman" Kelly. This cuck is so weak his wife wouldn't take his name. And has created many false ads and TV spots on the ease of availability. So easy that Kelly was openly rejected by a FFL for purchase.

Go ahead and read some of the policies they support or endorse.

No FFL will sell to you Ben Chode because you smoke pot. No dealer will risk their FEDERAL license, FEDERAL prison time and the end of their livelihood to sell a firearm to a manlet pothead. AND like I said earlier, if they feel that you are squirrely they can outright refuse the sale. See #6.

Businesses have no duty to do business with you.
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In AZ they don't fuck around. At least I'm warning Ben Chode. Here is the reason why this issue is so serious here.
1. AZ legal system don't play. It's not soft and squishy like Massachusetts.
2. Though pot is "legal," the ones that voted against it are adamantly against it.
3. Even though AZ is the most 2nd friendly state there is, you WILL go to jail if you fuck up with a fire arm. See point 1. I'm serious, AZ courts brook no bullshit.
4. A literal faggot shot a US Congresswoman not too long ago. She retired and formed the "Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence." It is one of the most radical anti-gun groups out there.
5. One of it's chief policy makers was, David Chipman. Yes the same David Chipman which is the current AFT nominee. Do your own research on this fucktard.
6. Gifford's husband is Mark "Spaceman" Kelly. This cuck is so weak his wife wouldn't take his name. And has created many false ads and TV spots on the ease of availability. So easy that Kelly was openly rejected by a FFL for purchase.

Go ahead and read some of the policies they support or endorse.

No FFL will sell to you Ben Chode because you smoke pot. No dealer will risk their FEDERAL license, FEDERAL prison time and the end of their livelihood to sell a firearm to a manlet pothead. AND like I said earlier, if they feel that you are squirrely they can outright refuse the sale. See #6.

Businesses have no duty to do business with you.
Thats all lovely but if you make any attempt at reporting him to the police for any reason i will ban you from this site and you can continue enjoying your life as an old man snitching on autistic kids somewhere else

Call Me Tim

Thats all lovely but if you make any attempt at reporting him to the police for any reason i will ban you from this site and you can continue enjoying your life as an old man snitching on autistic kids somewhere else
He will literally be violating federal and state law.
I will do as I fucking please.


Managing Account Details
He will literally be violating federal and state law.
I will do as I fucking please.
Live free or die!!!

You sparkle like a lil rainbow of freedom, baby.

And don't let that moccasin wearing race traitor @Likeicare bully you. You are a strong, confident woman and are an example to the rest of us of the dangers of fetal alcohol syndrome and why freedom and guns are important.

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