Call Me Tim

You can do whatever you want. And then be banned
Don't see how a ban is a deterrent.

Ben will be in Jail and your response will be to ban me. Ok. Ben get your ass to AZ so you can go to jail and I can get banned. You'll have a federal felony record and I won't be able to shitpost here.

Call Me Tim

Kind of strange how an adult man who whined to everyone they could to get endsenten to stop doxing them, for no reason has started a crusade to snitch on a kid for no reason
That's utterly incoherent. I never said any of that. DDW would be breaking several laws and put someone else's livelihood in jeopardy with his fucktardary. What about them.

Not to mention, there's a fuckton of retards out and about in the US doing retarded gun and anti gun shit, and let's be honest, DDW on pot while is less of an asshat he's still an asshat. I'm not saying that he shouldn't ever own a firearm, just not at this time, and drugs will complicate the problem. He doesn't seem mature enough. I'm citing his constant "weed is so good," attitude.


DDW would be breaking several laws
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