NY State Wants To Treat 3D Printers As Guns

A 1955 Buick is a car. It functions just like a 2024 Buick car.
Do they have different performances.

Black powder burns all at once.
Smokeless powder burns at a slower and measured rate.
In fact, the rate at which the SP burns is the vital to the accuracy of the round. Some SP are more accurate than others.

But you go ahead and argue that if you want. I'll go ahead and drop citations and known measures if you need to be spanked that hard. It won't be a problem since I am learning to reload. And yes "learning," there's a lot of trial and error with this. Even powder measures can effect accuracy.
now im certain you're fucking retarded. you have that backwards because black powder burns slower than smokeless powder.
unintentionally hilarious thread
guys who know very little or nothing about making firearms arguing about powder types
and showing photos of their lathes

please keep going so i can share this around
no prob king
now im certain you're fucking retarded. you have that backwards because black powder burns slower than smokeless powder.
LOL no.

Things such as static electricity can ignite it. There should never be any airspace when loading black powder in any gun. It is an explosive and will completely burn before the bullet has a chance to move causing a pressure spike. I have a 45 caliber muzzle loading rifle that was destroyed by the airspace. Black powder is rated by grain size. The smaller the grain, the faster it burns and the smaller caliber it is used for.

that's likely it and you're welcome.
He made a lower receiver from aluminum cans. The origional AR lower is made from T6065 aluminum, made to be harder and more wear resistant. A lower is a non stressed part. All energy is transferred to the barrel lugs, BCG/bolt, buffer/Buffer spring, and finally the shoulder.

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